Saturday, March 5, 2011

Saturday Salutes

Collette at The Art of Being Mama shares how she reminds herself to focus on God's Word throughout the day.

Find a way to show your children you love them today in 20 Ways to Enjoy Your Children at Ordinary Inspirations.

I'm thinking about joining Tsh in her Project: Simplify. Let me know if you are planning to participate!

We have another full weekend planned. Hope yours is a good one!


  1. Happy Saturday!! Hope you and your family enjoy the weekend :)

  2. Thanks for sharing those lovely links

  3. I'm going to try project: simplify too! Love the links, especially 20 Ways to Enjoy Your Children.

  4. Mommyto3andahusky,

    Thank you for your kind words and for visiting my blog! I look forward to stopping by yours as well!


I look forward to hearing your comments and welcome your questions and suggestions. Thanks for visiting my blog!