Monday, March 7, 2011


It's what children bring to our lives with their fanciful play and humorous notions.

It's a little bit of spice - like a dash of paprika or a sprinkling of cinnamon - that keeps our days from becoming bland and boring.

They keep us from taking ourselves too seriously.

Take a moment to notice your child's unique point of view today and add a touch of whimsy to your own life!


  1. You are so right!! I am just starting to embrace the ways that my girls enjoy life :) At the moment it's tutus and rain boots with wings!

  2. Great post, so true! DD is feeling under the weather, so today I'll cuddle and give extra hugs and kisses. :) Please remember her in your prayers for a quick recovery.

    Have a great day,
    Jennifer @

  3. Aurie,

    I know I should taken more pictures of the interesting dress-up outfits my girls have concocted over the years. Our dress-up basket is filled with everything from plastic fire chief hats to old kindergarten graduation gowns to discarded high-heeled pumps. The characters they can become with this mish-mash of items and their active imaginations is quite remarkable!

  4. Jennifer,

    So sorry to hear that she's sick. I'll definitely pray for her today!

  5. I love it! Reminds me so much of our house.

  6. Darling! Children just make everything wonderful!

  7. So true - sometimes life is so busy and I'm so busy disciplining and "training" that I forget to stop and watch and enjoy their youthfulness! :) Thanks for a good reminder.


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