Saturday, January 7, 2017

Saturday Salutes

Cassandra lists 5 Things All Kids Need to Hear from Their Parents.

Sophie's school is doing an Unplugged Challenge for the month of January.  I love this devotional that she wrote and shared with the students.

Kristen has 5 Family Goals for the New Year.

I've been struggling with breakfast ideas for my girls lately, so I think I'll try a batch of these Healthy Breakfast Cookies.  Neither one of them like eggs much, which is too bad, since I took this Sausage Hash Brown Breakfast Casserole to church last Sunday and it was delicious!

Our daughters, ages 16 and 14, on Christmas Eve.  

Hope you have a wonderful weekend!!


  1. Blessings to you and your family, Tracey. You have some helpful links here for readers. :) Thanks.

  2. I enjoyed your email earlier this week which mentioned what you got for Christmas. The feature about adding to your grocery list sounds wonderful! I have the same problem when I've got messy hands!

    I enjoyed the link about what our children need to hear from us, things I try to do already, but it's nice for the reminder.

    1. Yes, I've even got the rest of the family adding items to my grocery list through the Echo ~ which could be kind of dangerous, I suppose ;)

  3. I'm a little embarrassed to say I don't want to do an Unplugged Challenge, b/c I think it would be too hard for me. :-/ I'll be praying about that...

    1. We instituted "phone-free Sundays" a few months ago, and it's been an interesting challenge. Honestly, we did it because we thought one of our daughters was on her phone too much, and figured that if we were going to restrict her, we'd restrict ourselves as well. It's been hard!!

      Now, we're not going screen-free, so we still use our laptops or tablets on Sunday afternoon, but the temptation is definitely there to just grab the phone since it's such a quick and easy way to access everything! It even means we've not gone on our phone to check out a restaurant menu when we're headed somewhere to eat after church...and that's a sacrifice, cause we like to be prepared with our order when we arrive. ;)

      I do have to say that it's been good for all of us, though, and we plan to keep it up for the foreseeable future.


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