Saturday, January 28, 2017

Saturday Salutes

I can always identify with Elizabeth's posts, especially when she writes Two of the Most Encouraging Words Another Mom Ever Said To Me.

Gary Thomas writes about One of Your Best Friends in Marriage.

Krystal shares 3 Verses to Fix Your Child's Behavior Issues.

These Ritz Peanut Butter S'mores look like a fun, delicious treat the girls and I could make together.

Podcast I enjoyed this week:  Cherish Your Spouse, Change Your Marriage.

I'm highlighting another Benjamin Everson song!  Love the encouragement offered in I'll Pray Again.

Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


  1. I love the post about the "two words." Very powerful words, those two! And affirming! I love it when one of my friends says those two words to me, too.

    Two posts by Gary Thomas! I really appreciate his teaching on marriage, and I was fortunate to be able to get a copy of his newest book Cherish to review. It hasn't come yet, but I look forward to reading it!

    1. Hi, Nikki! I just wanted to thank you for your kind words about my little "two words" post that Tracey so kindly shared here. Isn't it amazing how hearing what other moms don't do or don't know or even don't like can be so uplifting and freeing? Here's one for right now: I don't particularly like Monday mornings! ;) But blessings on yours right now...may it be a good start to a great week!

    2. Hey, Nikki! Once you've read it, let me know how you like Cherish! I've thought about ordering it myself - I really liked what he had to say about cherishing your spouse in the podcast on Focus on the Family.

  2. Tracey! Thank you so much for giving me the sweet honor and blessing of being "saluted" this week! I'm behind schedule as usual and hopped over here this morning to catch up...and now you have made my Monday morning! (No small feat, that.) I am particularly fond of that "two words" post myself because those words from other moms continue to be some of the most encouraging I hear...and, I think, speak. In fact, one of the reasons I love your blog so much is that you encourage me with your honesty and "real mom" transparency. Bless you, and bless you again!

    1. Right back at you - I love your blog because you make me feel like my own craziness is normal - and you should definitely take that as a compliment!! ;) Hope January has been a good month for you and your family!

  3. "Two Words" - fantastic!!! YES YES YES!!!!!


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