Thursday, February 2, 2017

How to Pray for My Strong-Willed Child (and Her Mother)

Sitting around the supper table recently, my family was discussing some memorable "misbehavior moments" from when our girls were younger.  It took me back to those early days of training and correction, when it sometimes felt like nothing was working!  (Not that we still don't have those days now, but that's a post for another day ;)

We often hear the term "strong-willed child."  I would certainly say we have one that fits into that category!  I like this definition from Aha!
"What exactly is a strong-willed child? Some parents call them "difficult" or “stubborn,” but we could also see strong-willed kids as people of integrity who aren’t easily swayed from their own viewpoints. Strong-willed kids are spirited and courageous. They want to learn things for themselves rather than accepting what others say, so they test the limits over and over. They want desperately to be "in charge" of themselves, and will sometimes put their desire to "be right" above everything else. When their heart is set on something, their brains seem to have a hard time switching gears. Strong-willed kids have big, passionate feelings and live at full throttle."
While we need to consistently pray for all of our children, sometimes those we would classify as strong-willed drive us to our knees more often than the others. Below, I've listed eight ways we can pray for those children in particular, as well as ways we can pray for ourselves as we guide them.  (I'm using the female tense here since I have daughters, but feel free to substitute "he/him" if your strong-willed child happens to be a boy!)

Give me wisdom to parent this child.  James 1:5 promises that God will answer this prayer!  I certainly need wisdom to know how to handle the daily struggles that come when she continually wants her own way, right then, no matter what.

Draw her to Yourself in salvation early in life.  Our ultimate desire in training our children is to have them be willing to submit their will to God's.  Teaching them to obey authority they can see and hear will hopefully lead to their obeying God and His Word.

Help me to be firm in setting boundaries.   We get tired, and it's so easy to cave in and just let her do what she wants.  If you're like me, you just want peace in your family!  Every issue doesn't need to turn into a power struggle (which is why I need wisdom), but when I take a stand, I need to see it through.

Channel her strong will into courage to stand up for what's right.  Help me see the positive potential in her nature.  Use her to be a voice for those who are weaker, and to do great things for the cause of Christ.

On those days when I'm exhausted from the constant power struggles, remind me to find my strength in You.  Psalm 22:19 says, "But be not thou far from me, O Lord: O my strength, haste thee to help me."  God can give us the help and strength we need for each day.

Grow her desire to obey.  So often that's what it's all about - obedience. Recognize and praise those times when she actually does do what she's asked without a fight!

As I parent her, show me how often I put my wishes and desires above Yours, so that I may repent.   I've learned more about myself through parenting my children than I ever dreamed I would!!  I'm not nearly as patient and easy going as I might have thought I was before.  Often, God uses situations with my children to show me my own lack of self-control and sinfulness.

Even when it's hard and I'm frustrated beyond belief, let me demonstrate Your love toward her.   Romans 5:8 tells me that even when I was steeped in my sin, Christ loved me enough to die for me.  No matter how unlovely she is in her moments of rebellion, I can allow the fruit of the Spirit to show love through me to her.

God has placed into our homes exactly the children He wants us to parent.  May we seek His help through prayer every day to train those children in a way that brings Him glory.

Related posts:
A Prayer for Wisdom in Parenting My Children
7 Bible Verses to Remember When You Feel Discouraged as a Parent
4 Things to Do When You've Blown It with Your Kids

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  1. What a great post! I have a couple of strong-willed children, and I've heard enough to know to be thankful for them because they won't bend to peer pressure as easily. But oh! There are times when I have no idea what to do! I find myself praying for wisdom several times a day -- which is a good thing. :) Sometimes I have absolutely no idea what to do. I'm so thankful that God gives to all liberally who ask Him for wisdom.

    1. Yes, God is so good to give us the wisdom we need! And I'll just say that I needed some in this exact area yesterday ;)


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