Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Having a Joyful Home (Vlog)

I enjoyed doing my first vlog in February, so thought I would try another one for March.

Here are a few thoughts I talked about during a short devotional at a baby shower this past weekend.

I'd enjoy hearing any tips you have for creating a joyful home, so please share with us in the comments.


  1. Hi Tracey!! Great job on the vlog :) That is one thing I haven't tried yet, and I'm not sure I want to!

    I can relate to your 3 points, and I'm also working on #2, trying to keep focused on my girls and husband when they are commicating with me, instead of moving on to the next task. It can be difficult, but it affirms how important they are to me!

  2. Oh Tracey ~ how fun! I love this video (and you don't look a bit nervous ~ how do you do it?) =)

    I so appreciate hearing your tips for cultivating a joyful home. I LOVE your music idea for the mornings. I used to do this (we had a CD player right in my children's room at the old house) first thing...but I haven't since we moved ~ thank you for this reminder! I'm going to start this up today! Also, I have posted on something similar about watching my own words and the way I say them for my family's sake and for God's glory. So important! Our new pastor is doing a series on taming the tongue...such a worthwhile challenge!

    Great job again on your fun vlog! Keep them coming!

    Blessings on your day,

  3. Another great vlog! I too am trying to remember to stop what I'm doing, and really appreciate the conversations brought to me. Really listen, and not just Uh huh, uh huh....when I'm in the middle of something, actually pause (if at all possible) and add to the conversation. After all, my DD is why I'm home to begin with. :)

  4. What a beautiful speaker you are...

    And such an important message. The things of life can be so series; the things of eternity are so very, very serious, but neither can allow us to make our homes joy-free zones. No way! We want our children to remember their childhood with a smile on their faces. Thanks for this wonderful message x

  5. Aurie,

    I'd love to see you do a vlog!

    I must admit, I watch mine once when I'm done recording, then never want to see it again. There's something about seeing myself on screen and listening to myself talk that scares me. ;)

  6. Katie,

    Thank you, Katie! I probably don't look nervous because this was like my seventh try and I was just in the mood to plow through it. ;)

    Taming the tongue is certainly something I struggle with on a constant basis. So glad you're posting on it - and I'll be by to read it shortly!

  7. Jennifer,

    My younger daughter, who's more of a talker, really needs me to connect with her when she's speaking. I'm trying to do better!

  8. Homeschool on the Croft,

    You're so very kind! As I shared in more detail at the baby shower, we can only have true joy through salvation first, and then through surrendering to God's working in our lives. When we learn to put Him first, others second, and ourselves last, I think we can reveal that joy in our homes as well as to the lost around us. It's keeping things in that order that I find challenging!

  9. This was great! Thanks so much for commenting on blog, I'm glad it led me to yours!

  10. Not certain how I arrived at your blog...
    This was a lovely devotion! Thanks for sharing it on your blog! It is good information to keep in mind! Ah...those words..we are working on our words in our home..working on having kind words! Thanks for your encouraging words!
    God Bless you!

  11. Keri On,

    So glad you stopped by! Thank you for your kind words of encouragement.

  12. Smiles, music, love, hugs, and cheerful attitude - these are all wonderful and necessary things for creating a joyful home. I'm ashamed of the times I have done everything BUT help my household be joyful... But thank the Lord for the joy He puts in our hearts when we allow Him too.
    Love seeing you again - I'm not sure I could do a vlog that turned out any good!!!

  13. Clara,

    I know you could do a great vlog! I'd love to hear your accent sometime, too!

  14. Great vlog! I appreciated your tips. It's important to be mindful of setting the right tone and atmosphere in our homes. I tend to be tasked oriented like you. Watching my tone and making sure I'm in the moment and engaged are things I have to watch.

  15. Hi Tracey!
    This was a very incouraging Vlog. Thank you! I'll pass this on to my grown daughters.
    Just so you know, I got the url to your Vlog through a google alert for "be joyful".

  16. Joy,

    It's amazing what leads people to this blog! I'm glad you stopped by and appreciate your taking the time to comment.

  17. I really enjoyed your Vlog! The tips were very helpful--I, too, am very task oriented, so I especially need to work on that one!


    Thanks for stopping by today :)


I look forward to hearing your comments and welcome your questions and suggestions. Thanks for visiting my blog!