Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A Captivating Story

It's a good thing I got a head start on my 2011 reading list in January, because not much reading took place during February!

I did read Secure Daughters, Confident Sons and am partway through The Power of Focus by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen and Les Hewitt. Neither of those were on my list, however, so I'm determined to get back to scheduled reading in March.

However, my girls and I began reading Alone, Yet Not Alone: The Story of Barbara and Regina Leininger by Tracy Leininger, which was one of our read-aloud books for the year. It tells the story of two sisters who were kidnapped by Indians while living with their family in the mountains of Pennsylvania.

It was riveting reading! The author highlights the girls' faith in God and how it gave them the strength they needed in their dire circumstances. My daughters and I had a hard time putting the book away each night since we wanted to find out what happened next. It is a compelling story that I think would be enjoyed by the entire family.

So what have you been reading lately? Be sure to share any great new books you've found!

Linked to Booking It in 2011 at Life as Mom.
photo courtesy morgue file


  1. Oh my goodness! I can't believe this post. I just wrote my own post today on wanting some good reading material. Even those these are non-fiction, you've made them sound so good, I think I'll have to check them out. :)

    Thanks for sharing!
    Jennifer @

  2. Hi Tracey!!

    I keep hearing about "Secure Daughters, Confident Sons"..I better check it out. It sounds wonderful.

    "Alone, Yet Not Alone" sounds like an intriguing page turner. I think my daughter and I both would really enjoy this one.

    Hope you're having a great week!!


  3. Erin,

    Let me know what you think if you read Secure Daughters, Confident Sons. It was okay, but not one of my favorites. (Here's my review:

    Our week is going well! I thought my ten-year-old was coming down with something over the weekend, but she's rebounded and is feeling fine.

    Hope all's well at your house, too!

  4. "Alone yet not Alone..." sounds like a good read - thanks for the recommendation!

    We're always reading good books here - but you already know about my reading list (on side-bar of my blog), so I won't go into it here!! :) (Our reading list has been growing, by the way - the children read so fast that I have been continuing to extend our reading list as I get hold of more books!!)

  5. I love sharing info on great books I have read! :)
    For myself I highly recommend the Wings of Glory series by Sarah Sundin...excellent! They are Christian Historical Fiction and VERY well written, in my opinion! :)
    I am currently reading and enjoying The Shunning by Beverly Lewis! I enjoy Amish inspired fiction and had yet to read this book by her.
    And, lastly, for my kids I found My First Little House Picture Books {that I never knew existed} at Half Price Books for a dollar each! They are great! I was only able to find 4 of them and have been searching for the rest ever since! Cute books! :)
    BTW...just recently found your blog and am now following! ;)

  6. Clara,

    I am always thrilled to find good books for my children, especially when they come recommended by someone I know, so I will be keeping up with your reading list!

  7. Amy,

    Thanks so much for sharing what you're reading! I remember finding the First Little House Picture Books series at our library when my girls were younger and we thoroughly enjoyed them. I think the artwork in those books is just lovely.

    So glad you stopped by! I appreciate the follow!

  8. Wow! THat sounds like an amazing read! I just read the story of Amy Carmichael, missionary which was amazing. Presently reading "Nightingales" about Florence Nigthingale and her family.

  9. Sherry,

    Ooh, I'll have to see if I can find that story on the Nightingales! My girls enjoy biographies, so I know it would be a hit here.

  10. I love reading with my kids. It's a shared adventure despite the age differences.

  11. I'm curious: when did the events of "Alone, Yet Not Alone" take place? Is it a modern tale or from the past?

    As for good reads, this one isn't "new," but it's new to me: have you ever heard of The Robe? Most people have since it was made into a movie and follows the story of the Roman soldier who wins Jesus' clothes in the casting of lots. BUT, Lloyd C. Douglas wrote a book about Simon Peter being called to Jesus that is phenomenal! It's really long and detailed like older novels are, but it's worth it, even if you have to read it over a long period of time (which is what I'm doing).

    Just thought I'd throw in my two cents; happy reading!

  12. ThisMomReads,

    I apologize for taking so long to respond to you!

    Alone, Yet Not Alone is a tale from the past and, as best I can tell, is based on a factual story. The author is a relative (great-great-grandaughter, I believe) of one of the sisters who are the main characters in the book.

    I have not read The Robe, but I appreciate the recommendation! I am always looking for good reading material.


I look forward to hearing your comments and welcome your questions and suggestions. Thanks for visiting my blog!