Thursday, April 28, 2011

Book Review: Love Food & Live Well

I thought this would be an appropriate post to follow the coconut cake recipe yesterday!

I enjoy reading books about ways to make healthy eating choices.  Love Food and Live Well by Chantel Hobbs encourages readers to recognize their relationship with food and realize that food is not an enemy.  The terms calories, carbohydrates, proteins, and fats are defined and discussed and a few recipes are given.  Exercising and the benefits of interval training are mentioned;  photos of some specific strength training exercises are included.

I appreciate that the book is written from a strongly Christian perspective. The author explains the importance of surrendering to God - initially in salvation, then in all areas of  life - and asking for His help in dealing with weight issues.  

The book had an uplifting and positive tone which I enjoyed.  It is not as much a how-to book as it is an explanation of the author's philosophy about how excess weight can be lost and a healthy body maintained through proper attitudes toward food.  The author is very transparent in sharing her struggles with obesity and dieting.  While there are more instructional books available about habits for healthy eating, I do think Love Food and Live Well provides some helpful tips along with motivation for considering your food choices.

 I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book by Waterbrook Multnomah. All of the opinions expressed in this post are my own and I was not compensated for this review in any other way.


  1. Sounds like a book I would benefit from!! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Just ordered it from the library - sounds like a good book! Thanks!

  3. Jodi,

    Hope you find it helpful! It's a quick read; I read it in a weekend.

  4. As I'm reading this post I'm looking down at my waffles with syrup in disgust and shame! I really need to change my eating habits and start moving. I'm going to look and see if my library carries this one.

    Thanks for sharing!
    Jennifer @

  5. Jennifer,

    Hey, I had a waffle with syrup this morning - minus the disgust and shame. ;) Actually, all my disgust and shame was used up over all that coconut cake I ate!

    If you find the book, I hope it's helpful for you.

    Have a great weekend!

  6. I almost picked out this book, but chose a different one. :) It looks like a great read!


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