Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Waiting Season

A fair amount of my time these days is spent sitting and waiting.

Waiting in the pick-up line at school. Waiting for piano lessons to be over. Waiting for basketball practice to finish. Waiting for the 4th Grade Cleanup Crew to tidy the classroom when school is over.

Some of this waiting I do alone, reading a book or jotting down a list; some is done with other parents, chatting and catching up on each others' lives.

However, they're called the seasons of life for a reason. This season is actually only beginning for me. I foresee a number of years ahead where I'll be waiting for something or another to be over so we can get on with our day.

So, I can embrace this season or grumble my way through it, wanting to be somewhere else.....why? To get one more thing crossed off my to-do list? To hurry home and fold the laundry? To catch up on my blog reading?

I'm challenging myself to enjoy this season, with its waiting. And just as winter is giving way to spring, so this season of shuttling my children from one location to another has begun in earnest.

How will I know when this season is beginning to fade away? Well, that would be when our oldest child begins driving. And let's just say that's a season I'm definitely not ready for yet!!

photo courtesy public domain pictures


  1. Admittedly, waiting is not my favorite part of anything - but after having the busyiness of home, I've found peace when I need to wait somewhere by myself. With the girls? That's a different story!

    I can't imagine them driving. Oh my.

  2. I love having to wait if I'm alone....ahhhh, the joy of silence, and of a good book. It doesn't happen often like that though, but when it does it's doubly appreciated.
    As you say - they're only seasons, and most of our seasons pass too quickly - our older three are 14, 16 and 17.... I can't believe the seasons that have rushed by with me trying to hold on to them, but without success.
    I'm trying to enjoy every minute of the season I have right now too, knowing that soon, this one will have passed too...

  3. This is one thing I have no problem with. While waiting I check my emails, chat on my favorite forums, read a book, or work on a crochet project. Waiting tends to end up being some time for me. :) At least that's what I make it.

    I have definitely seen how quickly our lives and schedules can change. ;) I've been given a chance to see how I need to enjoy and cherish all the seasons, so I'm doing just that!

    Have a wonderful day!
    Jennifer @

  4. Jennifer,

    Good for you! If we can turn "waiting" time into being productive or even just relaxing for a few moments, it can certainly be a good thing. I'm trying to remember to always have a book in the car (along with the pad of paper and pen I already keep there) for any unexpected waits.

  5. I love waiting. I used to be in such a hurry...ack!

    I have learned to really appreciate and cherish this season of my life. Time seems to get away from me. The reality of never having those hours, days, or weeks again is more real to me as I watch my daughter grow and become more independent. I just want to hold her like a little baby again!!!

  6. Melissa,

    I have told my girls that they're never too old to sit on my lap - and I was very happy when my ten-year-old did just that yesterday! These truly are days to cherish.

  7. I feel like I have been "stuck" in a waiting season for too long. In fact, I asked God yesterday how much longer will this last. I don't want to rush my girls into adulthood, but I'm afraid that is when I find some peace.

  8. Yes, this is the season that teaches us patience an long-suffering. Not something any of us would willfully enroll in, but there it is nonetheless.

  9. Yes, lots of waiting in my life as well! I also started keeping a bag in the car that has a book, a note book and pens in it. It is really amazing the amount of reading I have been able to do in little bits here and there while waiting!

  10. So much of our life is spent waiting for something. I've found that when I am impatient, I pass that tendency on to my girls. My youngest is already impatient by nature, so I've been learning to be a better "waiter" so that I can expect her to wait with more patience as well.


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