Friday, May 6, 2011

Another Month in the Books

While my April reading didn't include any books from my 2011 reading list, I did read Love Food & Live Well by Chantel Hobbs (read my review) and The Go-Giver by Bob Burg and John David Mann.

The Go-Giver is a business book written in a parable format, but contains principles that apply to all aspects of life.  It was a short, helpful read and a powerful  reminder that true success comes from giving of yourself and serving others.

I have, however, been making progress through the book list I created for our daughters.  My eight-year-old and I just finished The Lost Princess by George MacDonald.  What a neat story!  It included some elements of fantasy, but the ugliness of being self-centered and how it can be overcome was wonderfully portrayed.

We have also been reading Dear Princess by Mary Landis.  This is a series of "letters" to a young girl that encourage her in cultivating the fruit of the Spirit in her life.  While the content is spiritually instructive, the book is written in a more formal style and is a bit over my daughter's head.

I am reading Rainbow Valley by L.M Montgomery to my ten-year-old and using a bit of parental discretion in leaving out a paragraph here and there.  It's not my favorite "Anne" book, but, as with all of her stories, there are fun moments and good lessons.  Until I read it to my children, I didn't realize how much gossipping some of the ladies do!

We are all enjoying George Muller: The Guardian of Bristol's Orphans by Janet and Geoff Benge.  I've never read much about his earlier life and am finding myself challenged by his simple trust in God and His faithfulness to answer prayer.

What have you been reading lately?

Linked to Booking It in 2011 at Life as Mom.  Amazon links in this post are affiliate links.


  1. Good morning! "Rainbow Valley" was my least favorite anne book....and yes, lots of gossip in there!

  2. Thank you for the suggestions. I've been in a reading slump, but getting in the mood again to find a really good one.

    Do happen to know of a website that gives good age appropriate lists with ratings?

    Have a great weekend,
    Jennifer @

  3. Aurie,

    I'm excited about moving on to "Rilla of Ingleside." It's one of my favorites.

    An early "Happy Mother's Day" to you! Hope you have a nice weekend!

  4. Jennifer,

    I don't know of a website like that, but if I find one, I'll pass it along.

    While I don't currently homeschool, I somehow receive certain homeschooling catalogs. I will often look through their recommended reading lists by grade level and choose books that I think my daughters would enjoy. I try to find those titles at the library, on Paperback Swap or buy them through Amazon with gift cards earned through Swagbucks.

    An early "Happy Mother's Day" to you! Hope you have a nice weekend!

  5. Thanks for these book reviews Tracey! I've been reading "A Prairie Girl's Guide to Life" by Jennifer to read about that era and the simplicity within.

    Have a great weekend and Happy Mother's Day!

  6. Thank you for the reviews. I just put two of those on my list for Jane when she is a few years older.

    I haven't read much lately. My life is crazy busy with taking care of my step-father and Jane. I'm hoping to dive into a Francine Rivers novel when I return home next month. I really love her books and it's been a while since I picked one up.

  7. These books sound interesting. I've never actually read all the Anne books, but often in old-time books the women do a lot of gossiping... :(

    I've been reading 'Hallowed Be Thy Name' by Warren Henderson lately - very interesting book, and one that gives a lot of food for thought (it's about reverencing God in a very casual world).
    The children have been reading the Jungle Doctor books lately, written by Paul White (missionary in Africa). They LOVE those stories! Have your girls read them?

  8. Thanks for reminding me about George Macdonald's book. I was excited to hear about it ages ago, but had forgotten all about it!

    I've been reading the Anne books recently. I am on Anne of Ingleside but thought I'd skip right over to Rainbow Valley and go straight to Rilla, which I haven't read in at least a decade.

    My next read is The Paris Wife, about Hemingway's first wife, but I've only just cracked the cover and can't vouch for it yet either way.

    I always love to find passionate readers in the blogosphere!

  9. I should have mentioned, I got a great reading list, with age recommendations for independent reading and reading aloud, from Memoria Press. It's a long one, and has a nice mix of classics and modern. Tanya at MP supplied me with the list, their site is

  10. I'm so glad I'm not the only one who didn't read something off of my selected reading list this month! Sounds like you've had some good ones though!


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