Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A Love Letter

This is the second in a series of open letters to some who have touched my life.


Twenty years.     

In just eight weeks, we'll celebrate twenty years of marriage.

How God has changed us both during that span of time.  While totally in love with you at twenty-two, I don't believe I was capable of loving you as fully as I do now.  The mountains and valleys we've traversed together have revealed our true selves and drawn us into a relationship centered on faith, love and trust.

I love you as a man.  Strong, determined, focused; with you I feel safe and protected.

I love you as a husband.  You know me inside and out, encourage me to be all that I can be, recognize what makes me happy and aspire to do it.

I love you as a father.  Your heart for our children touches me deeply.  The insight you have into their minds and personalities is so accurate.  You treat them like the ladies we pray they will become.

I love you as a fellow Christian.  You lead our home spiritually, teaching with words, but even more eloquently by your character.  You look for ways to serve people and your boldness in speaking of Christ to others is an example I seek to follow.

Looking back over the last twenty years, I welcome our future as a couple with open arms.  How blessed I will be to spend the next twenty years living and loving with you.

I love you, with all my heart.


  1. So sweet - I love that you are able to celebrate all that you are together :) Blessings to you both!!

  2. Beautiful! 20 years of marriage ~ wow...congratulations!! God is good! Happy early anniversary!


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