Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Flavors of Summer

Diving into Marion Nestle's book What to Eat was the perfect reality check after a vacation that included a milkshake or scoop of ice cream nearly every day!

For supper last night, I wanted to take advantage of the summer produce we had available.

There was corn on the cob, given to us by a neighbor....

.... and fresh green beans from the grocery store.

With several tomatoes from our own plants, as well as some another neighbor shared, I decided to try a tomato pie.  It came out of the oven looking delicious!  I garnished it with some fresh basil from the pot on our patio.

Cantaloupe was a refreshing final course.

I even pulled out our nice white plates and blue stemware to add a special touch to this seasonal meal.

All was well...until I bit into the tomato pie.  Soggy doesn't quite describe its mushy texture!

So much for the perfect meal...but everything else was tasty!

I planned to have a picture of the girls as "future homemakers" helping me boil the corn and saute the green beans - but they left me alone in the kitchen in order to help their friend across the street run his lemonade stand!!

How are you enjoying the flavors of summer?


  1. I enjoy corn on the cob :) It's not ready here yet, so we are waiting {and waiting!!} At the moment we are consuming large amounts of strawberries and watermelons. Once the fresh veggies arrive we will be eating those as well!

  2. Oh it seems a-g-e-s until we're able to eat 'summer' produce! That looked wonderful - if you hadn't told us about the tomato pie, we'd never have known ;) It looked great :)

  3. Homeschool on the Croft,

    I admit that it looked pretty - and I had high hopes for its taste! Oh, well, live and learn, as they say!!

  4. We ate lots and lots of strawberries, but now they're out of season. This morning, though, we went blueberry picking, and now I have 7.5 pounds of blueberries...well, I did before we ate some and made three dozen blueberry muffins. Yum! Also, we've had some peaches. There's nothing better than South Carolina peaches, even though Georgia is supposed to be the Peach State.

  5. Oooh, those look sooo good! We picked up some wonderful peaches, strawberries, cantaloupe, and apples the other day from the market. THe peaches were so juicy that when you bit into them the juice would run down your arm.


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