Monday, June 20, 2011

Love Him in the Little Things

Whether it's disagreements over finances or opposing opinions on child rearing, it's often the "big" issues in our marriages that attract the most attention.  However, sometimes it's the little things - those done and those left undone - that contribute the most to the day-to-day quality of our marriage.

For example, my husband enjoys having breakfast prepared for him each morning.  While there are days when cereal and muffins suffice, most mornings I make him breakfast before he leaves for work.  After nearly twenty years of marriage, I don't consider it a "sacrifice" when I get up early to scramble eggs or mix up pancake batter.  It's just one of the threads that make up the fabric that is our marriage.

Now in your case it may not be making breakfast, but perhaps there's another task that seems, in the overall scheme of things, unimportant.  However, if your taking the time to do it makes life easier or more enjoyable for your husband, then it's significant.  Though I may be doing well at making breakfast, I desire to notice more of those small details I can attend to that will enable me to be a better helpmeet. 

Hopefully, your husband does the same for you.  But even if he doesn't, showing your love by doing the "little" things - with the right attitude - can make a big difference in your marriage.

Is there a "little" thing you do for your husband because it's important to him?


  1. You are so right! It is all the little things that add up to a strong marriage :) I try to keep things calm at home, bake him his favorite muffins for breakfast, and plan time for him to just have fun.

  2. Very important... So many little things add up to make a big difference! My husband loves me surprising him in so many different ways - it's not so much the regular little things as it is the surprising little things here and there (like making his favourite meals, for example). :)


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