Saturday, June 4, 2011

Saturday Salutes

Jessica at Life as Mom shares how she prepares for the end of the school year by gearing up for summer.

Thanks to Christy's tutorial, the girls and I are going to make our own butter soon!

This week I have followed Stephanie at Keeper of the Home as she traveled to the Philippines, along with other bloggers, to write about Compassion International.  It's been amazing to see how her journey unfolded.  It was difficult to choose which post spoke to me the most, but Of Rubber Boots, Self-Pity and Ladders was certainly near the top of the list.

Enjoy this first weekend of June!


  1. Sounds like some great posts! I look forward to checking them out the weekend.

    I hope you enjoy your weekend as well!


  2. I have been following the Compassion bloggers too! Heartbreaking stories and pictures. I made the decision to sponsor a child! Her name is Stephanie, she is 6 years old (we share the same birth day!) and she lives in the Philippines. I'm so excited to exchange letters and pictures with her.

  3. Beth,

    How wonderful that you're sponsoring a child!! That's definitely something I would like to consider in the future. Hope you'll share how it goes as you connect with Stephanie.

  4. I'm slowly getting around and catching up on reading blogs. I've been planning to show my children how to make butter one day, but maybe I'll do it sooner rather than later. Maybe I'll even do it myself...although I don't have much extra energy these days.


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