Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Road to Grown-Up Land

It's bedtime.  In the darkness, she quietly sobs out her hurt, a minor illness subduing her normally bouyant spirit.  Then her fear escapes with the question, "What if it hurts during the night?"

I sit on the edge of her bed.  She is soothed by my hand rubbing circles on her back.  The tears fade away as she rests more peacefully on her pillow.

Like so many times before, this long-limbed, blonde-haired girl with the lightly freckled nose and ready smile, crawls up into my heart and settles down there.

A little while later, I check on her.  She lies there in abandon, breathing deeply, pain forgotten, lost in the realm of sleep.

What treasured days are these - the happiness and laughter, the hurts and tears - all part of the journey that is taking us ever more rapidly down the road to grown-up land.


  1. Oh, I love that phrase "the road to grown up land". I hope your little miss is on the mend!!

  2. Aww... It just hurts my heart when my little ones are feeling sad or hurt or anything like that. :( I hope your lil girl is feeling better soon...

    It is awfully rapid, isn't it - the journey through their childhood. I get scared sometimes when I think how fleeting each year seems and how quickly they grow up. Must make the most of every moment...


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