Saturday, July 23, 2011

Saturday Salutes

Keri at Growing in His Glory gives practical tips for teaching young children to do chores.  I am thankful that I began training our girls to work around the house at a young age.  Now that they are a bit older, they are truly a help to me!

For fellow bloggers, Christin at Joyful Mothering shares some great advice for balancing mothering and blogging.

My personality functions well on a schedule.  If you'd like to have more structure in your day, Amy at Raising Arrows helps you create a schedule from scratch.

This week's Sentence I Wish I'd Written: Worry and anxiety show up when we try to rush ahead into the minutes that haven’t been made yet.  It comes from Emily's post on How Death Brings Us to Life.

Finally, if you do much online shopping, Ebates is a good way to earn cash back.  If you're already a member, they are running a Tell-a-Friend promotion where you can earn cash if you refer a new qualified member.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Link to Ebates is a referral link.

Linked to Saturday Stumbles hosted by Simply Staci.


  1. I always look forward to reading your salutes! Thanks again for sharing. Can't wait to check out the creating a schedule. I may have to do something like a salute on my blog. Mind if I snag this idea? I just love it!

    Hope you are having a great weekend!! ;)


  2. Jennifer,

    I think it would be great if you did a "salutes"-type post on your blog. I always enjoy reading posts others have highlighted since I find great reading material and am often introduced to new blogs that I otherwise wouldn't have been found. I think it's Amy at Amy's Finer Things that does "Weekend Wanderings" and I often get new inspiration from bloggers she links to.

  3. Love that sentence of the week! I wish I'd written it, too, but I'll be happy to read it and take it to heart.

  4. Yes, that sentence speaks volumes. Thanks for sharing!


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