Wednesday, August 10, 2011

In Spite of Me

Over the years I have heard my dad say, "If my children don't turn out well, I want it to be in spite of me, not because of me."

While each of our children have a free will and decide for themselves what path to follow, I want to spend these years modeling Christ and living before them in a way that would draw them into a relationship with Him.

Ultimately it is God's grace and the walk with Him that our children develop (or fail to develop) that determines their spiritual condition.  But my prayer today is that I will be an example that will encourage them to follow in the footsteps of Christ and seek to do those things that please Him.


  1. Amen, Tracey! We've always told our children that they can't get to heaven by riding on our must be their decision to follow the Lord - however fervently we pray for them, they are responsible for the decision they make.
    Thanks for this post,

  2. Yes - that is my hope - that by modeling a love for Christ and following His footsteps that my girls will want to follow Him as well!!

  3. I love your Dad's motto in Christian parenting. Parents' faithful testimony and children's free will are two strong variables and we have to understand them both.

  4. This is a very hard one - living out Christ's example faithfully... Amongst friends or acquantances it's kind of easier... but our children see us all day, every day... It's certainly worth the sacrifices and worth trying to model Christ though - it forces us to work on our walk with Him when we know little eyes are watching and soaking it all in! :)

  5. Another great post. It's not always easy to lead by example. :)


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