Thursday, September 8, 2011

Book Review: Sixty-Minute Shakespeare by Cass Foster

One of my favorite classes in college was Shakespeare.  I would typically finish my homework well before it was due! 

Cass Foster has abridged Shakespeare's famous works and Five Star Publications has released them as the Sixty-Minute Shakespeare series.  I read Romeo and Juliet and found that it contained all the highlights of the original in an easy-to-follow format.  All of the famous lines such as, "But soft! What light through yonder window breaks?", "Parting is such sweet sorrow!", and "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet!" are included.

I wouldn't call this a children's version, but found it appropriate for upper middle school or high school students. It would be perfect for use in practicing specific scenes or memorizing dialogue.  One helpful addition is that unfamiliar words and terms are explained at the bottom of each page. The length of the book makes it easy to read in a limited amount of time. 

You can purchase individual books for $8.99 or get a set of six titles for $45.89.  For more information on this series, visit Get Shakespeare.  You can also follow Five Star Publications  on Facebook or Twitter for updates on their latest projects.

This is a Mama Buzz review. The product for this review was provided to me free of charge by Five Star Publications.. The opinions expressed in this post are my own and I was not compensated for them in any other way.

1 comment:

  1. These books sound like a needed addition to my library! (Not that I need any more books.) I enjoy the stories Shakespeare, but I don't enjoy actually reading them because they're written as plays. Maybe these shorter versions would work for me. Thanks for the review!


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