Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Books That Move Us

There are some books in which I cry at the same part every single time.  Whether reading them alone or aloud to our girls, the tears begin to flow.  They include when Laura's dog Jack dies in By the Shores of Silver Lake; when Jem returns from World War I to be welcomed by Dog Monday at the train station in Rilla of Ingleside; and when Beth dies in Little Women.

The written word can stir our emotions.  A good story transports us to another place, inserts us into someone else's life.  From adventures to mysteries, biographies to fairy tales, opening up the world of books to our children is a gift like no other. 

As our daughters get older, it's an ongoing struggle to find appropriate reading material for them.  Yet how rewarding it is to see them engaged with a book, struggling to pull themselves back to reality when called to do a task.  Sharing with them some of my childhood favorites brings all of us pleasure.

So the next time you read your child a story, hand them a book that you once enjoyed, or search the library catalog for a suitable title, think of all the possibilities you are opening up for them and consider it time well spent.

Is there a book or a story that always makes you cry?


  1. I generally cry at anything Karen Kingsbury writes, so I'm careful when I pick one up.

  2. Aurie,

    Oh, yes, her book Summer especially reduces me to tears. In that book, one of the main character's unborn child is diagnosed with the same birth defect our first daughter had. That book has a special place on my shelf. Karen communicates so well many of the feelings that go along with facing that situation.

  3. It is hard finding good, edifying books for my children to read, but as I find them, I keep them so that we have them for her (and me) to read over and over and over...once she learns to read, that is.

  4. I've cried in SO many books - it doesn't have to be sad... Things that are really sweet can provoke me to tears too (not that I'm the blubbering emotional type!)... I don't remember all the books that have made me cry, but they include ones by Karen Kingsbury, too (many years ago - haven't read her more recent books). My daughter recently read 'Little Pete and Other Stories' by Christmas Carol Kaufmann and one of the stories in it made her cry and cry!

  5. Nikki,

    I kept many of the books I read as a child/young teenager and am so thankful that I did! Since my girls enjoy reading so much, they now have quite a collection of their own books as well.

  6. Clara,

    I'm with you - it's not always just sad events that make me cry. I'm not normally the emotional type either, but certain books and movies just bring out that side of me!

  7. I remember my teacher reading Where The Red Fern Grows to the class and all of us girls cried when the dogs died. The boys rolled their eyes, but nevertheless, it was precious sharing emotions and memories together.

  8. "I love you forever" book, can't read it out loud without crying!!!!!


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