Saturday, September 10, 2011

Saturday Salutes and September 11th

At Raising Homemakers, Amy gives ways we can help our grouchy girls develop a sweet attitude.

If you want to write effectively, you'll find great tips in The 7 C's of Business Communication: Make Your Posts Shareworthy Every Time at ProBlogger.

Heart of the Matter shares encouragement at HELP, I'm Homeschooling...Now What?  Also, if you have preschoolers, Simple Homeschool's post on Homeschooling Preschoolers: Life is the Curriculum is spot-on.

With this weekend's marking the10th anniversary of September 11th, 2001, my thoughts return to that day.  My husband and I were in the waiting room of my OB-GYN's office.  I had miscarried a pregnancy the week before and we had an appointment for an ultrasound.  As we waited, I heard the office staff talking quietly among themselves, and when we went back to the ultrasound room, the tech told us about the North Tower of the World Trade Center being hit.

While I was typically at home with our seven-month-old daughter, that day we had left her with a friend.  On this particular morning, I was filling in for a co-worker in the hospital administrator's office where I had been employed previously.  Once the doctor's appointment was over, I drove to work.  There was a television in one of the offices and it was there that I first saw the footage and watched as the towers collapsed.  All of us working in that area of the building wandered in and out throughout the morning, watching the coverage, finding it difficult to believe that this was really happening.

As I've listened to the many stories that emerged from that day, I want to pass on to our children the history that I lived through.  I want them to see the heinous acts for what they were and to recognize, in stark contrast, the courage and bravery exhibited by so many in such a dark hour.

Where were you on September 11, 2001?


  1. I remember the morning of 911 like it was yesterday and also shared thoughts about it on my blog this morning.

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  2. I've blogged about this, too.

    My "where were you" story is here:

    I also broached the topic with my 7 yr old son, Will, for the first time this week:

    I feel the same way as you do, that I want my kids to understand the truth.

  3. Great posts, as usual.

    I was home the morning of 9-11, and I turned on the tv just in time to see the second plane hit the tower. I was looking for a little relaxation that morning before heading to work that afternoon, but I certainly didn't get it!

  4. I love Amy's grouchy post a lot.. well I have some little girls in that stage and I'm working really hard on attitude over here!!!

  5. I was holding my DD who was 3 weeks old at the time. We were having a termite inspection on our house and the man asked me if I had on the news, that something terrible had happened.

    I turned on the news and was just trying to figure out what was going on when I watched the live footage of the second plane. Just realize this is no accident.

    My prayers are with all those who lost!


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