Tuesday, September 20, 2011

To the Future Father-in-Law

To Our Daughter's Future Father-in-Law,

Sometime in the coming years, our children will meet.  While your son's quick smile or handsome face may at first attract our daughter's attention, I trust that it will be his strength of character that holds her interest. 

Just to warn you - she's used to being around real men, the kind who aren't afraid to get their hands dirty, and have manly hobbies like hunting, fishing, and carpentry.  Perhaps your son likes to work on cars or plays sports. If he'd rather spend hours watching television or devotes his free time to video games, he's probably not the one for her.

I hope that they will share a love of good literature and uplifting music.  While she won't expect a wealthy lifestyle, she will want a man with a good work ethic.  We'll advise her to watch how this young man treats his mother; it's likely he will treat his wife the same way.

Above all, we are training our daughter to seek a man who loves God and wants His will for his life.  One of our greatest desires is that she will be equipped to support a husband in his walk with the Lord and work alongside him in whatever ministry God calls them to do.

I look forward to meeting you one day and, as time and distance allow, sharing a Thanksgiving dinner or Christmas Eve celebration with your family.  May we spend many happy hours together, welcoming grandchildren, rejoicing at God's working in our children's lives.

Until then, my husband and I will be doing our best, with God's help and by His all-encompassing grace, to rear a daughter who will make your son a fine wife.


The mother of your future daughter-in-law


  1. Precious, Tracey! A true prayer from a God-fearing, child-loving parent. =) I've been thinking on this subject lately too and praying for my children's future mates, if that is the Lord's will for them. Yes, praying for the parents of those mates is equally as important! Thanks for sharing!

    I'm certain your daughters will appreciate the many prayers on their behalf once they each meet the prince God has chosen for them, Lord willing. =) God is faithful!

  2. While I'm not quite ready to think about my girls marrying - I love this sweet letter. Short and simple and true - full of love for your girls and for the one whom they will love.

  3. That's so sweet! And these prayers are a wonderful gift to both your daughter and her future husband's family.

  4. Beautiful and well said! As a mama to three daughters I have similar prayers for their future husbands/in-laws.

  5. Beautiful. May all your dreams come true, by the grace of God! Though my children are now 25 and 22, they have not met that one yet, and we continue to pray, as you do.
    I'm visiting from the Homemaking Linkup today, and I hope you'll visit me! I'm posting a week of encouragement, exhortation and help for stay-at-home moms (especially). Faith's Firm Foundation, www.wendygunn.net

  6. What a good reminder of perspective - my daughter won't be five forever and preparing her for marriage includes praying for her mate-to-be. May he be a man that is submitted to God!

  7. Well said, Tracey. My hubby and I have been praying for our children's spouses before our children were born. :)
    Blessings to you,


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