Monday, October 17, 2011

Five Reasons I Need Help in Parenting

One thing I know is that I don't have all the answers when it comes to rearing Godly children.  How thankful I am for James 1:5 which promises wisdom to those of us who lack it, if we ask.  "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him." 

In the area of parenting, I probably don't even realize how inadequate my knowledge is.  Here are five reasons that I need help in parenting (with many more that could be added, I'm sure!)

  1. I've never done it before. Growing up as the oldest child in our family, my dad often told me, "I've never been the parent of a ___-year-old before," inserting my current age.  In the same way, while I can read parenting books and observe how other mothers act, I need help because I haven't walked this way before. My daughters are constantly growing and changing, so just when I feel like I've mastered a certain aspect of their childhood, new challenges emerge.
  2. I have blind spots. I never want to be the parent who has no clue what their child is really like. I pray that if my child is involved in something she shouldn't be, that she will be found out. Should a teacher or other adult approach me about something wrong my child has done, I hope I react with grace, not immediately defending my child; take the charge seriously; and see if the accusation is true.
  3. I know what I desire to see in my children, but I don't always know how to get there. Through prayer, study in God's Word, and the instruction of Godly men and women, I hope to learn how best to help my children grow in their Christian lives.
  4. I only get one chance to parent my children.  While there is no perfect parent, I want to take advantage as best I can of each day and each opportunity that comes my way to help my girls.
  5. I want to be the best mother to my children that I can possibly be. I need the grace of God and the help of the Holy Spirit for this to happen. This is my calling and I want to succeed at it for His honor and glory.
This week, I pray for the wisdom that only God can give to permeate my daily parenting decisions.


    1. I pray daily for the wisdom to help my girls grow in the path that He has set before them, not the path that I want them to take!

      Great list - I'm with you on all of those - and my dad used to say the same thing to me :)

    2. Joining you in asking for God's wisdom to parent my own. So thankful for His promises!!

    3. Oh, me too! I need that wisdom so desperately! I find I need it more now than I did before my mother went Home to be with the Lord, because now I can ask her for advice in parenting matters! Sometimes I feel like I'm parenting blindfolded. And I'm glad God gives wisdom freely and liberally when we ask for it.
      Great post, Tracey.

    4. I'm so thankful for the wisdom God gives when we ask. I have found this year more than ever God has been impressing upon me the need for wisdom in my life and I am seeking it in His word and through prayer like never before. I desperately need wisdom to raise my daughters and navigate life. One thing is for certain, we can't do this parenting thing well without help.


    I look forward to hearing your comments and welcome your questions and suggestions. Thanks for visiting my blog!