Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Funny Cake

A sweet lady who's been a dear friend of our family for a long time (she was my wedding coordinator over twenty years ago!) mailed me this recipe that she'd clipped from the newspaper.  It was so thoughtful of her to think of the girls and I and we enjoyed baking this cake one afternoon.

With such basic ingredients and a simple technique, I couldn't believe how tasty it was!  We dusted the finished cake with confectioners sugar and topped it with sprinkles, but I'm sure it would be good with icing, too.  This recipe is perfect for your kids to make with just a little supervision from you.

Funny Cake

Prep: 10 minutes (varies with kids' kitchen know-how)
Cook: 35 minutes
Servings: 9 (with one 8-inch cake)

1. Wash your hands.

2. Collect these ingredients: Flour, sugar, cocoa, salt, baking soda, vegetable oil, white vinegar, vanilla.

3. Find this equipment: 8-inch square baking pan, flour sifter, measuring cups, measuring spoons, soup spoon, dinner knife, mixing spoon.
4. Set sifter into the baking pan. Measure dry ingredients using a soup spoon for scooping and a knife to even off the top. Scoop flour into a 1 cup measuring cup. Put in sifter. Spoon more flour into a 1/2 cup measuring cup. Add to sifter. Scoop sugar into a 1 cup measuring cup. Add to sifter. Spoon cocoa into 1/4 cup measuring cup. Add to sifter. Measure 1 teaspoon baking soda. Add to sifter. Measure 1/2 teaspoon salt. Add to sifter. Sift all together into baking pan.  {We skipped the whole sifting process and just measured the dry ingredients into a bowl, mixed them together, then dumped it into the baking panAnd, of course, I slightly reduced the amount of sugar.}

5. Turn oven on to bake and 350 degrees.

6. Use mixing spoon to make three holes in the flour mixture. Think craters on the moon.

7. Measure 1 teaspoon vanilla into one hole. Measure 1/3 cup vegetable oil into another hole. Measure 1 teaspoon vinegar into the last hole.

8. Measure 1 cup cold water. Pour carefully over ingredients in the pan. Mix gently with spoon until lumps are gone. Don't forget to mix in the corners.

9. Put cake in the hot oven. Set a timer for 35 minutes. {My oven cooks quickly, so 25 minutes was just right for our cake.}

10. When the timer goes off the cake should be done; it will begin to pull away from the pan's edges. Put cake on a metal rack to cool. When cake is well cooled, dust with confectioners' sugar or frost with a favorite frosting; decorate if you like. Serve from pan.

[Article by Judy Hevrdejs, Chicago Tribune.  Recipe adapted from the 4-H "ABC's of Food" cookbook.]

1 comment:

  1. I love the directions. Very kid friendly. I'm sure my girls would love to make this. Thanks for sharing it.


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