Wednesday, November 2, 2011

It Is Enough

Perhaps you're familiar with the story in II Samuel 24.  David had sinned in numbering the people of Israel and God sent the prophet Gad to instruct David to choose his punishment.  David decides to "fall into the hand of the Lord" and three days' pestilence comes on the land.

However, in verse sixteen, as the angel stretches out his hand to destroy Jerusalem, God tells the angel, "It is enough," and the plague is stayed.

Truly our God is merciful; He knows just when to relieve us in our trials.

The greatest example of this in my own life occurred during the pregnancy of our firstborn daughter.  Diagnosed at eighteen weeks' gestation with anencephaly, I continued to carry this precious baby, knowing that she would be unable to live outside the womb.  I believe that God, in His mercy, allowed me to deliver her early, at just thirty-three weeks, rather than going full term. 

God is deeply involved in all of our trials and knows just what needs to be done in order to work His intended purpose in our lives.  Whatever you or I may be facing today, may we thank God that at just the right moment, He will intervene and say, "It is enough."


  1. Ah sweet friend, so true. What a blessing that you were able to carry your little one and soak up the kicks and flutters while she lived. How difficult it must have been to know the end was near, and yet how God has blessed you, indeed!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I can't imagine how difficult it must have been to carry your firstborn, knowing you would not get to hold her and watch her grow. It is indeed a blessing to know that God will only try us so much and then intervene... Thank you for this encouragement - I needed to hear it today.

  4. Thank you for this post and a sweet reminder of His mercies and grace!

  5. Wow. How powerful this is. And what you must have gone through! I can't imagine. My heart breaks anew for you. Yet, look at this beautiful testimony that would not have been "born" otherwise. Praise God for his mercy to us.


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