Monday, December 5, 2011


I am selfish.

Being a mom seems to reveal just how selfish I am.

I want the children to go to bed so that I can have some quiet time.  I want them to obey so that I can be spared the trouble of disciplining them.

I want them to sit quietly in church so that I can listen to the sermon and not be distracted by their behavior.  I want them to instinctively do the right thing so that I don't have to use my time to train them.  I want their tastes and interests to align with mine so that I don't have to stretch outside my comfort zone.

However, I need to want what's best for them, not necessarily for me.  It's not in me to overcome my selfishness, but it's in Him.  I am trying to ask daily for this help, to at least see progress in overcoming my addiction to my own desires.  This is a spiritual struggle and begins with surrender of myself to God so that He might help me put others' needs ahead of my own. 

Through His power, may I become more selfless each day.


  1. You mean that I'm not the only selfish mother? I struggle with the exact same issues of selfishness with my children. Oh, it's hard, isn't it? I thank God that He is transforming me day by day into the image of His Son, even though I think the process is taking much too long. *Sigh*

  2. I struggle with this, too. What parent doesn't? Thank God for His grace!!!

  3. I don't think it's selfish to want children to be still in church services - I think that is as much for their good as it is for ours! I guess with some of these it has to do with the attitude in which they are done. I don't think it's selfish to want the children to go to bed so we can have quiet time, either - even the Lord went apart from the crowds in order to have quiet time - God gave us a need for that! Was He being selfish in wanting that time, or does it stem from a deep need and thirst for time apart from the clamour of daily life and others' needs?? Just a thought! ;)
    But yes, I do struggle in some of these areas, too - I think every parent probably does! Especially when it comes to discipline!!

  4. I was thinking the same thing on Sunday - wishing that I could just listen to the sermon for once instead of wrangling my girls for an hour. May we all pray for patience and see through His eyes.

  5. The longer I parent, the more I realize it's as much or more about the Lord raising me and is it me raising the kids.

  6. Thank you for this convicting post, Tracey. I could've written it myself! May the Lord prune and mold me to be more like His Son daily...all for His glory!!

    Blessings to you and yours,


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