Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Focusing on Others in 2012

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To quote Kat's 12-word post on selecting goals for the new year, "Need goals?  Imagine who you want your kids to become.  Be that."

Since I desire that our daughters have a vision for reaching out to others, I need a plan to develop that compassionate spirit in all of us.  For 2012, we are going to focus on one "others-oriented" project each month.  I hope that once we begin we will do even more than we have planned, but at least this will give us a place to start.

Here's my list in random order.

1.  Write a letter to a missionary family and include a small monetary gift to support their ministry.

2.  Share our faith in some way at least once a week for four weeks by giving out a tract, inviting someone to church, etc.

3.  Take flowers to an elderly couple or a widow in our church.

4.  Write two thank you notes to military personnel, one active duty and one veteran.

5.  Save our change and any other "extra" money for a month and send it to a Bible-based children's home in Florida.

6.  Send a care package to a college student.

7.  Make cards and mail them to each grandparent.

8.  Collect items for a local animal shelter.

9.  Take a meal to a new mother or a family that's struggling with illness.

10.  Give a note and small gift to our pastor.

11.  Anonymously pay for someone's meal at a restaurant.

12.  Visit someone in the hospital or assisted-living facility.

At the end of each month, I'll let you know which project we completed.  If you have additional ideas for "others-oriented" activities that we could do with our children, please share them in the comments.


  1. I love this! What great ideas! We still plan to take some of my DD's stuffed animals, that ate practically brand new to the fire department for them to hand out to children on calls.

    Wishing you and yours a happy new year! :)

  2. These are great ideas! Thanks for sharing them as I may "borrow" some of them!

  3. Jennifer,

    Thanks! I remember reading on your blog about taking the stuffed animals to the fire department and I think that's a great idea.

    Hope your 2012 is off to a great start!

  4. What wonderful ideas, Tracey!! Love this! (Love the new blog banner too.) :)

    May the Lord bless and guide your family in these endeavors as you glorify Him! *Matthew 5:16*


  5. I love this idea - fantastic :) It will be fun to hear/read what you did each month!

  6. Katie,

    Thanks, Katie! The verse you included with your comment is so appropriate. Any kind or "good" works that we do should be done so that He will receive glory as others see Christ in us.

  7. I LOVE THIS!!! I love the ideas you posted, and how you thought of every area of life; from the college student to the military to the elderly. Love it!

  8. My daughter recently did some baking, and we gave it away to people we know who are poor and/or lonely. I had thought of doing a meal, but sometimes something extra that's been homebaked (for snacks or dessert) can really make someone's day - especially if they can't afford it or make something like it themselves. :)

    Love your list - this "acts of kindness" idea is something I've been wanting to do more often with my children, too! :)

  9. Forever Neighbor,

    Thank you! I am excited about doing these acts and hope the girls and I stay motivated to complete them this year.

  10. What a fantastic list! Wonderful, heartfelt ideas, all of which will be greatly appreciated. You're giving your family an amazing gift by teaching them to help others as well as learning compassion. I'm so inspired!
    Thank you for stopping by my blog, it's very nice to "meet" you.

  11. Hi! I saw your site on the linkup at Money Saving Mom. Your list is awesome! I wish more people would do things like this, myself included. Thanks for inspiring me!


I look forward to hearing your comments and welcome your questions and suggestions. Thanks for visiting my blog!