Wednesday, February 8, 2012

It Took a Schedule

If you're like me, you enjoy having a clean house, but don't always embrace the work that it takes to get there!  There are chores - like vacuuming - that I don't mind at all, while others - like cleaning the bathroom - make me look for any possible reason to procrastinate!

I finally recognized my weaknesses (at least those related to house cleaning ;) and found that there were certain tasks that I was always postponing because I dreaded doing them. Then, when I finally got around to the cleaning, it was more difficult since it hadn't been done for awhile. 

I finally created a minimal weekly schedule for attacking my chores and it has been a huge help.

I tackle the main tasks for the day at 8:00 A.M. That is when the girls begin their homeschooling and, since they are pretty good at working independently for the first hour or so, my interruptions are limited. I have found that I enjoy the tasks more if I have the radio or a cd playing while I work. Getting my chores done early in the day gives me a sense of accomplishment and allows me to complete them before other distractions arise. My energy tends to wane by the afternoon, but I still feel good about what I finished in the morning.

You will note that there's nothing assigned on Thursday; that is the day we are out the door by 9:30 A.M. for art class at a homeschool coop, followed by library time and piano lessons. On Saturdays, I oversee the girls' chores as they are responsible for cleaning their bedroom, bathroom, and play/school room.

I realize that others may have obligations that cause them to need more flexibility in this area, but I have found that sticking to this schedule works for me. You may still find dust on my ceiling fans, but if you stop by on Monday at 9:00 A.M., you'll be impressed with how clean the master bathroom is!

Do you have any type of cleaning schedule? How do you motivate yourself to do chores you dislike?

This post is linked to Works for Me Wednesday hosted by We Are THAT Family.


  1. Great idea! I do well on a schedule, but I have yet to get back on it after our vacation last month. Really need to!

  2. I love the simplicity of this. You created a manageable list instead of setting yourself up for failure with a mile long list. This is something I am finally embracing. I have recently discovered that I wasn't giving myself the chance to feel a sense of accomplishment because I set extreme goals. and that is really unfair. Thank you for stopping by and I hope you have a wonderful day!

  3. I have a basic schedule as well, although I can see that it will need some tweaking as we are now in the "school years" section of family life. So far, it involves days assigned to the kitchen, the bathroom, clothing laundry, household laundry, and paying bills. And yes, there are a few rooms of the house that are missing from that schedule.

  4. Ugh. This is something I really need to work on. I am terrible with all this - and terrible at sticking to schedules of any kind. I do like lists, but I prefer short-term lists (eg. daily) rather than longer ones (eg. weekly). I really wish I could learn to stick to a schedule like this one you made for yourself!

  5. This made me smile, I try to keep a schedules but so far sot really successful at it. With the stage that the girls are in right now it feel like "I'm cleaning in front of me, while they make a mess behind me" hehe, hard to keep up with them sometime!

    But I do have google calender set up, so the it send me at different time a day some notice to do chores, like at a certain time a day I'll get a email saying "did you switch the load of laundry in the dryer yet?" type of deal, it's keeps me on my toes for doing what I'm suppose to do.

    It's like having a personal trainer for my chores

    Oh and today I had a friend coming over for 1 hours, to "play with the girls" she is a awesome childless friend, and I got most of our small house cleaned, amazing what you can do when you have 3 little goose entertained by another adult :-)

    1. I like how you have Google calendar set up to remind you of certain chores. Great use of technology!

  6. That's a great schedule! Like you, I work best in the morning. I have found that if I don't get it done before lunch, it probably won't get done.

  7. I was just thinking about the post you did last year on this cleaning schedule the other day! I was thinking of asking you if you were still using that schedule. I think this is great! I've set up schedules in the past but never stuck with them. I love the tips you gave about the time of day that works best and being flexible. I tend to just quit the schedule if things get off track. I need to learn to roll with punches a bit more and just do the next thing instead of throwing in the towel!

    This all makes me think of that cute song...."Around the Mulberry Bush". "This is the way we wash our clothes, wash our early Monday morning!" :)


I look forward to hearing your comments and welcome your questions and suggestions. Thanks for visiting my blog!