Monday, March 10, 2014

Live YOUR Life

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"I think about how valuable it is to live the life in front of you, regardless of how tempting it is to press your face to the glass of other people's lives online, even though doing that is so much safer and so entirely addictive."  ~Shauna Niequist in Bread and Wine:  A Love Letter to Life Around the Table

This week let's refuse to live in comparison, denial, or defeat.

Let's really live our days - not lose ourselves in someone else's Facebook page or highly-trafficked blog or Pinterest-worthy home or television reality show.

Instead, we can focus on the moments God has given us today, being thankful for the path He has chosen to lead us down and gaining access to the grace God will give us to do the work to which He's called us.


  1. BTW love the new layout!!!!!

    And I found that since I spend less time on the computer (not intentionally, life with little one can get a bit demanding at time) that I have less insecurities and am less tempted to compare myself. My parents did not have the type of technology that would bring friends and even strangers into their own every single day.

    Think about it, back then, you would have to be intentional to go visit someone, hence that comparing game would have been on a smaller scale then what we are having now. Now that the green eyes monster didn't exist ( I think that sin came along with the forbidden fruit being eaten) but it wasn't as "in your face" as it now.

    With new technologies and access to the world around us, I think we need to reassess our motives and found new solutions to keep the green eyes monster at bay!

    Have a wonderful day

  2. So true! And I think the flip side is worth noting, as well: we should strive for truth when we post instead of making ourselves look as good as possible. I try to do this when posting about brownies that fail or the times I forget something important, like sugar, in recipes, because I don't want people to think I'm perfect. I'd prefer them to compare themselves to me and say, "Hey, at least I remember the sugar! I'm doing better than she is!"

    1. I try to remember this flip side often, too. :-) It's really important to me for people to get to know the *REAL* me, and that means the highs & the lows. You can't have authentic relationship with someone if they only see one facet of who you are.

  3. Tracey, and Nikki! Thank you both for the great reminders! It is so hard to remember that sometimes, especially when the world is always trying to make you feel "less than" when you refuse to conform to their image! Praise the Lord that He knows us and love us, and wants so much better for us than what the world has to offer!


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