Wednesday, June 11, 2014

7 Tips for Handling Change

My nephew, future NASCAR driver

With homeschooling done and vacations over, we're moving into our summer routine. It's a time of adjustment and change!

Change comes in many forms.  It can be actual seasons, a season of life, a move, adding a family member, or a host of other scenarios.

Over the years, these seven tips have helped me navigate the changes I've encountered.

1.  Have a basic routine.  It can be as simple as waking up and getting dressed at the same time each morning, or planning the first hour of the day by scheduling in Bible time and exercise or a particular household chore.  As life settles down, you can add more details and flesh out your plan.

2.  Put relationships first.  Since I'm task-oriented, I tend to concentrate on marking items off my list.  I think it gives me a sense of control, something I desperately seek when changes are happening.  I have to remind myself to focus on the people around me - especially family and friends - instead of charging ahead with other responsibilities.

3.  Keep to-do-lists short.  Prioritize tasks and focus on the few most important ones.  If, as I mentioned above, you're motivated by crossing items off a list like I am, this will keep you from getting discouraged - and also help with fulfilling tip number two!

4.  Be flexible.  Change is all about situations that are in flux, so be willing to adjust your plans as needed.

5.  Simplify.  Make simple meals, wear clothes that don't require ironing, do only essential cleaning.  Keep your schedule as free as possible so you can deal with unexpected situations that arise.

6.  Pray.  In seasons of change, this should actually top the list!  Ask for God's wisdom and help in navigating your current circumstances.

7.  Give yourself grace. Many - if not most - days don't go as planned.  That's okay!  Take time to count your blessings and realize that life will resume some type of normal soon.

Seasons of change help us grow.  We often get a new perspective and can re-evaluate what's most important in our lives.

What helps you get through changes in your life?


  1. I use these same tips to get through change, and I really have to simplify because I don't deal well with change.

  2. These are great tips - and I need to get back into the groove of getting up earlier. I miss my early morning routine!


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