Friday, June 26, 2015

Five Favorites on a Friday

Our summer schedule has taken the wind out of my blogging sails!!

This week it's been Vacation Bible School, shopping for camp needs for my older daughter, and catching up on household chores, along with a few fun moments, too!

Keeping it short today, but sharing five of my current favorites!

Favorite book:  I'm Happy for You (Sort of...Not Really):  Finding Contentment in a Culture of Comparison by Kay Wills Wyma.  I'll write a full review on this book later, but for now, let's just say that the message of this book has hit me right between the eyes. 

Favorite recipe:  Yellow Squash Casserole - perfect use for the squash we were given by friends!

Favorite store:  Palmetto Moon.  This is where we stock up on t-shirts for my daughter to wear to camp.

Favorite delivery service:  The Bounty Box.  We're trying this service which delivers fresh, local produce to my door once a week. We'll see over time if I feel that the convenience and quality of the food is worth the cost.

Favorite package I'm waiting to receive:  Casual Jersey Knit Skirt.  I ordered this in Indigo Blue (with a coupon code!) and am hoping it fits me like it does the model.  :)

What's a current favorite of yours???


  1. Sounds like you're having busy days! That yellow squash casserole looks delicious--thanks for sharing it!

  2. That book title is AWESOME!!!! :-D
    & LOVELOVELOVE those Simply Southern shirts!

  3. The squash recipe looks delicious! It makes me wish I'd planted some this year!

    My current favorite is eggs. They taste so good to me these days, so I'm glad we have chickens!


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