Monday, September 28, 2015

4 Books I Read in September


Reading time was more limited this month, so I think I'll just be thankful that I was able to get these four books read!

Here's what was on my list for September.

SpiritualThe Imitation of Christ by Thomas a' Kempis.  I only read about one third of this book, but what I did read was good.  Before I started the book, I didn't realize how it was set up; it was broken into very small sections, almost like a devotional.  Probably the best way to read it would be to take a small section each day and meditate on it.  I might take this approach and go back and finish it at another time.

Marriage:  What Did You Expect?  Redeeming the Realities of Marriage by Paul David Tripp.  This was a long book, but it was full of good stuff!  At one point, I was highlighting portions in my Kindle on almost every page!  The theme of the book is giving up selfishness in your marriage and allowing God to use your marriage to change you more into His image as you learn to put your spouse and his/her needs ahead of your own.

Parenting And Then I Had Teenagers:  Encouragement for Parents of Teens and Preteens by Susan Alexander Yates.  This book was encouraging because it confirmed that other teenagers act just like mine and I am not alone in these parenting struggles!!  For that reason alone, I will probably go back and read it again in the coming months.

Personal GrowthApartment Therapy:  Complete + Happy Home by Maxwell Ryan and Janel Laban.  Read my full review of this book here.

The only other book I read this month was The Song of the Bear by Mark Tungesvik, MD, JD.  Read my full review of this book here.

These are the books I hope to read in October.

SpiritualStepping Heavenward by Elizabeth Prentiss.  (I try to read this book every year, and realized that I haven't read it in 2015 yet.)
Marriage:  31 Days to Becoming a Happy Wife by Arlene Pellicane
ParentingHeartfelt Discipline:  Following God's Path of Life to the Heart of Your Child by Clay Clarkson
Personal GrowthTrim Healthy Mama:  A Common Sense Guide to Satisfy Your Cravings and Energize Your Life by Serene Allison and Pearl Barrett

What have you been reading lately?


  1. I read a really neat book last month: Aunt Dimity's Death by Nancy Atherton. And I think you would like it. It's fiction, but so much fun.


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