Friday, September 25, 2015

Fall Fashion 2015

Rumor has it that fall weather will be arriving here in the near future....or at least one can hope!

My girls were out of school on Wednesday afternoon, so we took an hour to go through their closets and see what they might need in the way of fall and winter clothes.  I had done the same thing to my closet a couple of weeks before, so that when I shop, I can look for specific pieces to add to what I already have and make new outfits.

Pinterest is my friend when it comes to fashion inspiration!  Here are some of the looks I hope to duplicate this season.

"Untitled #172" by dlp22 on Polyvore:

I already have similar pieces to create this look, so I just need the weather to cooperate!  I'll wear it with denim flats or brown boots instead of the sandals.

Love the jacket:

I've actually tried on a couple of gray jackets in stores, but haven't found one that fits right yet.  It's one of the new pieces I'd like to buy.

"Lets go for a walk" by createdfeminine ❤ liked on Polyvore:

I have become a big fan of vests recently.  This knit one may look a little bit bulky around my middle, but I'd like to find one to try on so I could test that theory.

"out and about winter" by fiddlegrass-ashley on Polyvore:

And yes, another vest!  I have one similar to this already in royal blue.  And no, you wouldn't see me in that hat.

"Chambray to Work" by clothed-in-glory on Polyvore:

I have a gray polka dot skirt and I hadn't thought of putting a yellow cardigan with it.  This look inspired me to hunt for one.

A slightly more loose skirt, but otherwise, this is pretty much my ideal look.:

I feel like I've already been through a plaid shirt phase in my lifetime, but this one and the one below make me think I could try it one more time.


Don't know that the orange would work for me, but it is nice for fall.

Nice mix - love the jacket!:

I have a black animal print skirt, so I'd like to find a jacket to put with it for a winter church outfit.  (I really like that bag!)

Are you wearing your fall clothing yet?


  1. Love the outfits! Great inspiration for fall. The only fall thing I've worn at this point is jeans. Still pretty warm here.

  2. Such modest and cute combinations! Not all of them are my style,but great suggestions! Thanks for sharing - and enjoy the colors of the Season! Chris

  3. These are SO CUTE!!! I'm with you, though - burnt orange is not my color. Even in winter, I'm very blue, purple, pink, & brown.

  4. Super cute outfits! I love getting ideas from posts like this. Thanks so much for sharing at Artful Homemaking! Your post will be featured next week! :)

    1. Awww....thanks for your kind words and for letting me know you'll be sharing my post!

      Have a great night!


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