Friday, July 1, 2016

My (Totally Fun!!) Goals for July 2016

I can't believe I just typed that in my title - July!!  Summer is a-flying by!

I'll start with a wrap-up of my June goals.

Spiritual Growth:  Write out a specific prayer list for each of my immediate family members at the beginning of the month and pray through it every day.

Family:  Plan for and enjoy our trip to the mountains. 

Relationships/Service:  Write and mail one thank-you note each week.  I did this twice.

Personal Development/Health:  Have a meal plan ready for the week ahead every Sunday night.  As well as this worked in May, I just couldn't motivate myself to get it done this time around.

Blog:  Write one 600+ word post each week.  I was fortunate just to get any blog post up most days!

I'm thoroughly enjoying this summer, but I'm finding that every day looks different.  I haven't done well with fitting in all the tasks that I normally do, and I'm realizing that it's okay.  This is just a season (literally!) where I'll expect a little less of myself, while enjoying these moments of having my girls around the house and doing things with and for them.

That being said, I decided to only allow fun goals for July!  Looking ahead, I know that this month will be as full as June, so I'm going to embrace it.

Here are my five goals for this month.

1.  Read one fiction book a week.

2.  Make this No-Bake Summer Berry Icebox Cake for our July 4th dessert.  (My husband saw this recipe and it looks like a perfectly cool ending to our meal!)

3.  Find a great movie (or two) to watch on my Kindle during our flights later this month (any recommendations welcome!)

4.  Buy myself a new pair of sandals.  (I had to throw out my favorite pair last month when they started coming apart :(

5.  Be consistent in daily prayer and Bible reading.  This is what I know I need to do to be my best self every day.  This past week, I've found myself substituting some VBS prep - which did involve Bible reading - for my personal time in the Word, and I missed it! 

What would be a fun goal for you to meet in July?


  1. That recipe looks delicious! And I really like your fun goals! What kind of movies do you like? I don't even know how to download movies. :)

    1. I actually like different kinds of movies - pretty much anything that's clean and has a relatively interesting plotline! I've enjoyed several movies based on Jane Austen novels - and Facing the Giants (a totally different genre!) has been one of my favorites since I watched it with the girls last Thanksgiving break. Even though they're very predictable, I like some of the Hallmark channel movies, too.

  2. YAY for FUN goals!!!!
    Excited to hear how your dessert turned out!
    What kind of sandals are you looking for? I *LIVE* in Crocs Patricia II wedge sandals - I have 5 pairs in almost every color! :-D

    1. Thanks for that recommendation - I'm going to check those sandals out!! (Oh, and the dessert was AMAZING!!)


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