Wednesday, August 24, 2016

A New Season for the Blog

1st Day of School 2016 - an 8th Grader and a 10th Grader

As I mentioned on Saturday, blogging took a back seat to life this summer!  I enjoyed having our daughters here at home, but our schedules meant less time sitting at the computer and more time doing life.

Now that they're back in school, I'm trying to figure out exactly where I want to go with Girls to Grow.  If you see me playing around with a posting schedule, just know that I'm looking for the right place to fit writing into this season.

For now, I'm going to cut back from the Monday/Wednesday/Friday writing that I tried to maintain over the past several years, and post here on Mondays and Thursdays (so consider today a bonus :) - and keeping Saturday Salutes, of course!  I'm hoping one less day of posting will help me focus on better quality over quantity.  I'd like to start sending out a short weekly newsletter to my e-mail subscribers as well, but we'll see how that goes.

I appreciate all of you who read here and if you ever have any feedback, I'd love to hear it!


  1. I've been trying to post three times a week, too, but I may have to cut back as well. Blogging is nice, but I have much more important things to do. :) Like take care of my family.

    1. But I always enjoy what you write, so I look forward to seeing what you post!

    2. Thank you, as always, for your kind words!! It is tricky sometimes to balance blogging and other parts of life!

  2. Don't stress! You know sometimes I post four times in one week...and then nothing for three weeks! :-P I try to go with the flow of life. I don't want blogging to become a burden. :-)

    1. Well, when you don't post much, I know that life is busy and we'll get to catch up on a bunch when you have time. It's always fun to see what you and your family have been up to!


I look forward to hearing your comments and welcome your questions and suggestions. Thanks for visiting my blog!