Saturday, August 20, 2016

Saturday Salutes


I know I've been missing in action here on the blog lately, but I hope that will change once our daughters go back to school next week!

Meanwhile, here are helpful posts I've found on other blogs this week.

Loved this from Kristen - Truth for You and Your Student in the New School Year.

Susan lists 8 Ingredients to Help You Grow in Your Marriage.

Alisa tells us what to do When You Become a White Knuckle Momma.

I enjoyed Jerusalem's perspective in Why I Won't Buy a Fitbit.

If you're homeschooling this year, check out Tara's 6 Tips for a Successful First Day of Homeschool and Kris' Top 10 Ways to Schedule Your Homeschool Calendar.

Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


  1. I love the marriage ingredients, and I especially appreciate her perspective since she's been married a lot longer than I have and therefore has some real credibility. :)

    I also enjoyed the one about the fitbit (I won't buy one, either) and the tips for homeschooling.

    Thanks for finding and sharing these links!

  2. Good marriage ingredients!

    Sooooo get the Fitbit post! I do have one, but I rarely look at it. If I ever start to obsess over it, it's gone. There have been times I've gone so long without syncing it to the app that I've lost weeks of data. And that's cool. I *do* like it as a barometer to see about where I am, but I would never be a slave to it.


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