Saturday, October 15, 2016

Saturday Salutes

Lisa-Jo says Someone Saw What You Did This Week and Wants to Give You a Medal.

I am beginning to relate to Laura as she shares The Dream I Never Knew I Had.  While her post is written about parenting, it can apply to many areas of life.

What a helpful post from Kari on 5 Things Your Daughter Should Know About Chasing Boys.  This is such good discussion material for my girls and I.

Jennie tells us What Really Defines Your Worth.

Nicole lists 51 Mind-Blowing Dollar Store Organizing Ideas to Get Your Home a Complete Makeover.  There are some really neat ideas in this post!


Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


  1. HA!!!! First day/last day cracked me up!!!
    Give you a medal & the dream I didn’t even know to dream = so sweet!

  2. I love the graphic! Very funny!

    I'll take that medal from Lisa-Jo! Since I have four daughters, too, I read the one about chasing boys with interest!


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