Tuesday, March 29, 2011


There are few surprises in my breakfast menu.

Every Tuesday morning we eat pancakes. If I served eggs or oatmeal or bagels, the whole family would spend the day thinking it was Monday or Wednesday or Saturday.

In seeking to make most of our meals from scratch, I tried several different homemade pancake recipes. This variation of one I found on All Recipes is now my staple.

For our daughters, I add a sprinkling of chocolate chips to the batter once I've poured it into the skillet. I deliver them piping hot to the table - where I can keep an eye on how much of the real maple syrup they're pouring on top!

[I am fascinated with this syrup bottle my mom bought for me (an early birthday present) while we were visiting last week. It's so much more attractive than the old plastic syrup bottle I'd been using!]

Homemade Pancakes


1 cup milk

2 tablespoons white vinegar

1 cup all-purpose flour

1 tablespoon sugar

1 teaspoon baking powder

1/2 teaspoon baking soda

1/2 teaspoon salt

1 egg

2 tablespoons butter, melted


Combine milk and vinegar in a large glass measuring cup and set aside for 5 minutes to "sour". (Alternately, you could use buttermilk, but I rarely have that in the house.)

Mix flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, and salt in a large bowl. Whisk egg and butter into "soured" milk.

Pour the wet ingredients into the flour mixture and whisk until lumps are gone.

Heat a large skillet over medium heat. Add a bit of butter to coat bottom of skillet. Pour 1/4 cupfuls of batter onto the skillet, and cook until bubbles appear on the surface. Flip with a spatula, and cook until browned on the other side.

Occasionally I'll make a fruit topping for our pancakes. Do you have any other ideas for making our Tuesday morning pancakes extra-special?

Linked to Tasty Tuesday hosted by Balancing Beauty and Bedlam.


  1. We picked fresh blueberries with some friends last summer and froze them. We like to sprinkle those into our Sunday pancakes. We just ran out, so it's a good thing summer is around the corner! :)

    I also remember spending the night at a friend's house when I was in middle school, and her Mom made banana pancakes. At first, I secretly scrunched up my nose at the thought, but I didn't want to be rude, so I tried it. They were simply delicious. I think I may have to try that soon.

    Mmm! Now I'm hungry. :) Love the syrup bottle too! ;)

    Jennifer @ http://justpeachyindixie.blogspot.com

  2. Jennifer,

    I once tried a "bananas foster"-type topping for pancakes, but that didn't go over well here. Putting banana in the batter, however, might be pretty tasty!

  3. I'm amazed! I've never had made-from-scratch pancakes and I'm a pancake lover! Yours sound delicious! Homemade pancakes... I think... are on the menu.

  4. Love the syrup bottle. Very cute!

    Also, I think pancakes on Tuesday is a great tradition. I need to start a tradition with my family.

  5. Wow--pancakes with out Bisquick? I didn't know such a thing existed! LOL! :)

    They sound wonderful just the way they are. Blueberries are the only other thing I would ever consider trying. How great that you make them a fresh, hot breakfast every day! I shoot for 1 day during the work week of eggs and bacon with enough leftovers for a second day and then fill in with cereal, frozen waffles, toast, etc.

  6. We like blueberries in our pancakes and I usually always have a bag in the freezer. Jane loves when I make a "J" pancake for her. Sometimes I make a quarter size pancake and give it to her to taste test while I'm cooking. That sends her over the moon.

  7. We've been having cereal a little too often lately, and I know that we need something else. I used to make pancakes from scratch, too, but I've gotten out of the habit. I'm more of a muffin-person, I guess because with three little ones, you can just throw muffins in the oven until they're done, as opposed to pancakes that you have to "babysit."

    I love your syrup bottle, too! Where did your mother get it? I bet we would have more pancakes around here if I had such a nifty bottle for the syrup....

  8. Thanks for your comment on my blog! I've bookmarked you and will enjoy getting to "know" you. :)

  9. H. Rae,

    Hope you give them a try! They really only take a couple of minutes longer than using a boxed mix.

  10. The Martha Complex,

    Pancakes are my ten-year-old's favorite breakfast, so I know she appreciates this tradition!

  11. VA Grown,

    I think your breakfasts sound great! I typically serve cereal at least one week day - usually on Thursday. For some reason I seem to need that morning off from "cooking," although I do try to have muffins or some other baked good that I can make up the night before to go along with the cereal.

  12. Melissa,

    Oh, my - I'd better not tell my girls about the taste testing! Hmm...I'll have to think about how I could make letter-shaped pancakes...

  13. Nikki,

    I know exactly what you mean about muffins; they're one of my favorite breakfasts to eat and serve!

    We got the syrup bottle at Crate and Barrel. However, I noticed this morning that it's leaking down the side a bit where the top screws onto the bottle. Think I'll be contacting them to see why that might be happening since I've made sure it's attached tightly. I don't want to have to give it up!

  14. I love the syrup container! I usually put fruit with a little bit of whip cream on top! Hope you can link this up at my Linky Homemaking Party


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