Wednesday, March 30, 2011


The focus of my blog is rearing girls.

That's because we have two daughters.

However, part of their training involves preparing them to have homes of their own one day with a husband and children, should that be the Lord's will for them.

Which brings us to boys.

This is my nephew.

He's eighteen months old and my sister spends her days helping him become a young man. She disciplines and encourages, comforts and nurtures. One day, he will make some special girl a wonderful husband.

Somewhere out there, I trust that another mother is doing the same thing for our daughters' future mates.

Today I just want to say "thank you" to all you moms who have sons that you are rearing for God. We mothers of daughters want you to know how important we think your job is and how much we appreciate all the time you're taking to do it right!

photos courtesy Steve Boots Photography


  1. What a great post!! I've started including our future son in laws in my prayers for each girl. Your nephew is adorable :)

  2. Great post! Yes, thank you from me as well. Also great comment from previous poster, to pray for out future son in laws. :)

    Very cute nephew you have there!

    Have a great day!
    Jennifer @

  3. We have all girls too, and Lord willing He will bring a little man in our family soon :-)

  4. Aurie,

    I, too, pray often for our future son-in-laws as well as the parents who are raising them.

    We spent a good deal of time with my nephew while visiting family last week. He is so much fun!!

  5. That boy is the cutest thing ever!! And he is blessed with a wonderful Aunt Tracey. :)

    What a responsibility we have as parents! Praise the Lord for all HE DOES through our striving to raise them right.

  6. What an encouraging post, Tracey! I've been thinking on this too and praying that if it's the Lord's will that our children marry, they're spouses are being raised in the nurture and admonition of the Lord this very moment. I love how you wrote this. Thank you as well for joining in that effort with your girls! I'm also thankful for all the generations before us in this regard! Blessings to you.

  7. What a little cutie!

    As a mother to boys, I say thank YOU to all you ladies out there raising modest, God fearing young ladies for my sons to meet one day! (One day a long, long time from now!) :)

  8. I want to say, "You're welcome!" I'm doing the best I can with my boy. Like you, though, I have two daughters to raise, so I've got both sides to deal with.

  9. Amen!

    Your nephew is adorable!

  10. I have one of each, and for me, my boy is a real handful!! I find my daughter much easier to deal with... So yes, we definitely need to pray for our daughters' future husband and the parents raising him - it's not an easy road!! And it does go both ways - I pray that somewhere out there some parents are carefully raising their daughter to be a woman of God for my son! :)

  11. What a small world--I meandered over to your blog and saw this little guy--I said, "I know that boy!"--Well, I don't personally know him, but I am friends and attend church with his grandma, grandpa and aunts and uncles--he is a cutie!

  12. Following Splendor,

    So glad you stopped by! It truly is a small world!!


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