Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Rejoice at His Word

I've recently been reading through the book of Psalms. Since Psalm 119 is full of references to God's Word, I decided to write out a list of all the lessons I could learn about the Word of God as I read through the chapter. What a blessing it proved to be!

Verse 162 says, "I rejoice at thy word, as one that findeth great spoil." Reading those words caused me to ask myself a few questions.
  • Am I as willing to share with friends a verse that spoke to my heart as I am the latest sale or coupons that I found?

  • Am I using wisdom from the Bible to counsel my daughters when they come to me with a problem?

  • Am I meditating on Scripture that will help me fight specific temptations in my own life?
I want to challenge myself to find ways to graft the words of God into my heart and life that I might live in the joy that it promises and the comfort it provides.

How do you practically put God's Word to use in your life each day?

photo courtesy public domain pictures


  1. Those are thoughtful questions - and I need to really think on them! Thanks :)

  2. Tracey,
    Thank you for sharing this. It is something I needed to hear. I too need to reflect and pray about this. I need to be more diligent in my time studying the scripture and applying it in my life, as well as being able to use it as a comfort when my family/friends/even strangers is in need of fulfillment of His word.
    I know that He answers prayers, and I need to be as close to Him when things seem to be running smoothly, as I am when I feel I need His help!

    Have a wonderful day,
    Jennifer @ http;//

  3. STICKY NOTES. I don't use them as often as I should but sticky notes with verses reminding me of God's word on my bathroom mirror are very helpful. Thanks for this post!

  4. Love that verse too, and yes good question

  5. Jennifer,

    Wonderful point, Jennifer! It does seem that I run to prayer and His Word much more quickly during difficult times than I do when all seems to be going well. How we need to always have God in the forefront of our thoughts, no matter the circumstances.

  6. Oh Tracey, what a great post! Yes, how to immerse ourselves in His wisdom daily!! This is something I strive for more and more each many times I fail to listen/obey or even think to go to His Word first....but growing little by little. I have started with little things like having Bibles readily accessible at home or when we are out....trying to devote God's Word to my days first thing before anything else....and trying to pick something to meditate on throughout the day. Our pastor has been doing a series on sanctification...and he's been trying to drive home that sanctification only comes by God's Word! So true! I am asking for the Lord's help in this area to help me truly treasure and live by His Word. Can't wait to read more suggestions from your commenters! =)

  7. Imperfect People,

    Sticky notes are a great idea! I can think of many places around the house I could leave them - including my daughters' room.

  8. Great lessons! I'm in the middle of Proverbs right now. Walk in wisdom. Live it out! :)

  9. I love Psalms and Proverbs - while the whole Bible is like a treasure chest, there is so much wisdom, beauty and edification found in those two books, it is never-ending!

    Verses that are particularly specific to help our family I often design and print on the computer, then laminate and stick on the walls somewhere. :)

  10. Good questions to ask! I keep cards with meaningful verses in my wallet, on the refrigerator, and any place where I can grab them. We listen to a lot of CD's with scripture singing as well. I memorize more verses that way than using any other method. Scripture is always popping into my head in the form of a song.

  11. Katie,

    I actually thought of you while writing this post because I know you have Bibles open around your house. I want to grow more in the area of meditation - purposely directing my mind to think about Scripture as I'm driving alone, doing chores around the house, etc.

  12. Laugh With Us,

    Proverbs is another great study, isn't it?! I love the practicality of its principles.

  13. Clara,

    I think it is wonderful to have a home where Scripture verses are prominently displayed. That is an area in which I could definitely improve!

  14. Melissa,

    So interesting that you mention singing Scripture....Just tonight at supper, our eight-year-old was practicing her Bible verse for school tomorrow. As soon as she began, my husband and I began singing (he aloud, me silently) the verses as she was sayiing them. They are so familiar to us because we both know a tune that accompanies them. Definitely a good way to get the Bible into our minds!


I look forward to hearing your comments and welcome your questions and suggestions. Thanks for visiting my blog!