Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Reunion

Early yesterday morning, there was a reunion.

Gathered 'round the pearly gates were my Uncle Rob, my Aunt Helen, Great-Grandma Peggy and our own little Angel. My grandmother's soul had been summoned and she made her appearance, leaving behind the body filled with cancer and pain, crossing Heaven's threshold in a new, glorified form. She has seen the Saviour's face and the host of loved ones awaiting her entrance.

This weekend we'll have our own reunion of sorts, as those of us who knew and loved her gather to celebrate her life. We'll hug family members we don't see often enough and our conversations will recall our memories of the woman I called "Ma."

Yet our reunion will be tinged with shades of sadness, our emotions overflowing into tears as we bid farewell the relationship we shared with her here. But her reunion? Not so. No, her tears have been wiped away and she is safe, rejoicing and whole.

photo courtesy public domain pictures


  1. We will continue to pray for you and your family as you travel home. What a beautiful message your wrote about your Ma. Tears are in my eyes. We love you!

  2. Tracey,
    I'm sorry for your loss, and will pray for you, your family, and all who were touched by your Ma. I know what it's like to lose someone to cancer. It heart wrenching to watch. There's definitely comfort in knowing that all the pain and suffering are no more.
    My condolences,

  3. I'm so sorry for your lost - but rejoicing at your grandmother's gain. Blessings and peace in the days ahead.

  4. Your loss....her gain.

    Wonderful thoughts - no more tears, and soon - very soon - it'll be us. What a blessed moment - that moment when we no longer 'see through a glass darkly', but we will see Him face to face. Blessed thoughts x

  5. Beautiful word, Tracey. Lifting you up in prayer~


    *Psalm 116:15*
    *Matthew 5:4*

  6. This is such a beautiful post. I am so sorry about your loss but i rejoice for your grandmother.

  7. I'm so sorry for your loss, Tracey. But what a wonderful comfort to know she's there with Him, face-to-face. After my mother crossed over, it struck me that having her there with Him made Him feel closer to me, and the thought of Him holding her close was just SO comforting. "Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of His saints". (Psa 116:15) Isn't that so beautiful, that they are *precious* to Him in their death??! ((hugs))

  8. I'm sorry for the loss of your grandmother, but I'm glad that you know where she is. And what joy you will have when you see her again!

  9. Rejoicing and whole, indeed! So sorry for your loss...

  10. Oh Tracey - I'm so sorry for your loss. Your post is beautifully written, full of love and memories. I pray for safe travel and comfort for your loved ones.

  11. I am so sorry for your loss. I will keep you and your family in my prayers.

  12. I'm so sorry for your loss. My prayers are with you and your family.


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