Tuesday, April 26, 2011


People see beauty in different ways.

For some, it's the stroke of a paintbrush on canvas.  For others, it's a beautifully decorated room, with colors and furnishings seamlessly coordinated. 

Nearly all of us recognize beauty in some aspect of nature - the majesty of the mountains, waves crashing on the shore, a garden in full bloom.

But when it comes to faces, those of a worldly mindset, with all their glamorous makeup and fancy up dos, can never replicate the beauty of the pure, innocent face of a child.

Daily I pray that God will protect our daughters' innocence and give them the strength to live purely. 

As they draw ever closer to their teenage years, I also pray that they will see themselves as beautiful in God's eyes, and not judge themselves by the world's beauty standards.  So many images will imply that beauty comes from their clothing styles, their makeup techniques or the attention they attract to their bodies.

I want them to be confident that "True beauty comes from within."  As cliched as it may be, it is true.  I need to be living that example for them now, while finding other women who are modeling Godly femininity and showing them how to base their view of beauty on the Bible.

With God's help, we can raise lovely young ladies who will radiate the beauty of a noble character, the heart of a servant and the joy of the Lord.


  1. Amen, Amen, Amen!!! Love this post, Tracey. I'm praying this right along with you for my children....first for their protection of purity and then for them to choose it.

    I'm very passionate on this subject. I was saved out of the world's obsession with vanity and pleasing others instead of God...and am forever grateful for what the Lord has done with my life.

    I was at a ladies' interlude a few weeks ago, and they were selling a neat little booklet called "Stay in the Castle" by Jerry Ross on purity for teens. I picked one up to add to my library.

    Lastly, I also was encouraged at church a few weeks ago when our Pastor said that our identity ought to be...."Who am I in Christ?" Immediately when he said that, it had me thinking on one of the topics for my femininity posts ~ about helping girls to seek and find their identity in Christ and not in the world's snares. The Lord has been laying some things on my heart on this topic, and I hope to post on that soon.

    Anyway, sorry this comment is so long...just lots of good stuff! So thankful for how the Lord uses you as an instrument to help others! =) Blessings to you and your sweet girls!

  2. " Charm is deceiving and beauty is fleeting but a women that fears the Lord, is to be praised"

    Your young ladies are truly beautiful, and so are you!

  3. Katie,

    It's other mothers like you who are praying these same things for their children who so encourage my heart!

    Having read previous posts on your blog, I know this topic is something you address very well. I look forward to reading more of your femininity posts as you have time to write them.

    I will have to look for that booklet you mentioned. It sounds like something I would enjoy reading!

    May our faithful God answer the prayers we lift up for our children and keep them walking with Him.

    Have a wonderful day!

  4. Mrs. Stam,

    Thank you for your kind words! I so appreciate the encouragement we moms can be to each other as we seek to raise our kids in a Godly manner.

    Hope you have a great day!

  5. Wonderfully put. With three boys, my prayers are that they will recognize true beauty, and not be taken by outer appearances. Parents have their work cut out for them in today's culture, don't they?

    Have a wonderful day!

  6. Raise Them Up,

    Yes, we do! Thank you for training your boys to look past a "pretty face" to see what's on the inside.

    Hope you have a great day, too!

  7. Amen! I couldn't agree more. The pictures of your girls are so pretty! When I was younger my mom used to buy me and my sister hats to wear on Easter Sunday.

  8. I completely agree! And I hope that my daughters will see that true beauty comes from within, also!

  9. What a wonderful post! I have noticed that my daughter, who is only TWO, already studies how I get ready in the morning. So much is learned by observation...

    Like Katie, I was saved out of an obsession of vanity. Before Christ, I was a performer and had directors tell me all my "faults" and what I needed to change to get hired. I am forever grateful that I am saved by the blood of Jesus and can now teach my daughter that "beauty is fleeting but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised."

  10. Thanks, Beth.

    I don't know that I ever wore hats as a girl, but my daughters love wearing them. I enjoy them still wanting to get all dressed up and hope it continues for a long time!

  11. Jodi,

    Thank you for sharing a bit of your story. I join you in praising God for His salvation and for the inward beauty He develops as we grow in our walk with Him.

  12. Tracey,
    Well said. This day in time we especially have to stress this in our homes. I can't even believe the clothing I saw this spring when we went shopping for my DD's summer clothing. Unbelievable! Don't even get me started on the bathing suits they have for sale for 9-10 yr olds!

    Thanks for sharing the lovely pictures! So sweet!


  13. Wonderful words! I pray a similar prayer over my girls daily and hope that they believe that they are beauiful the way God made them, no matter what anyone else says.

  14. Oh Tracey, your girls really are beautiful - and so are you, from what you write in your blog! :)

    And Amen! How true it is that beauty does come from within - and I've always thought that when we walk with the Lord, it's almost like HIS beauty shines through us and others stop and wonder (even when we don't wear make-up!)...

  15. Amen. We need more Moms, like you, and so many other Christian Homemakers that are stepping up and firmly remaining committed to high standards for themselves and their daughters as children of God. Our girls are so bombarded with images SO contradictory to what God wants for us. It's often incredibly discouraging and can almost feel hopeless when we think about raising girls in our culture. My daughter is only 4 and I'm already on it. ;) I write a lot of articles and posts relating to girls and beauty and finding "Real Beauty". The link is here - http://unplugyourfamily.blogspot.com/p/girls-beauty.html

    Bravo, Mama... Keep up the fight. And it is a fight, isn't it?

    The Unplugged Mom

  16. Well said! Our world is so in love with appearance and status. I spent a lot of years investing time and energy into pleasing others. So thankful God showed me my worth and value in Jesus. It is so important to pray for protection of the innocence and purity in our girls. Thank you for sharing your heart here!

  17. What a beautiful message. Thank goodness these girls are blessed to have a mom like you to instill it in them!

  18. Thank you, Clara; you are very kind!

    I agree that the beauty our relationship with God can produce may be a testimony to others of our faith.

  19. Cassandra,

    Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate your taking the time to comment on my post and look forward to reading your blog.


I look forward to hearing your comments and welcome your questions and suggestions. Thanks for visiting my blog!