Monday, April 25, 2011

Duty and Delight

Every day, our actions and attitudes shape our homes.

As I read Donna Otto's Finding Your Purpose as a Mom last month, these words caught my attention.
As one God has blessed with a home, my duty is to create and maintain a space that honors God, nurtures the spirit, enhances growth, and ministers to others.  My delight is to enjoy the home I've shaped and the sense of accomplishment that comes from obedience.
How exciting is this mixture of duty and delight!  As I design a home that is pleasing to the Lord, I can experience the rewards it brings.

Above all, the atmosphere of my home should honor God.  The music I play, the books that fill the shelves, the magazines that lie on the end table should be those that edify.  Just as importantly, the attitudes I display and the words that I speak should be pleasing to Him.

The unconditional love, the free-flowing forgiveness, the abundant joy and the calming peace that permeate my home can nourish the spirit of each family member.  This "fruit of the Spirit" can only be passed on to them as I find it through my own walk with God.

Encouraging personal growth in our families may take some effort and planning.  Spiritual growth occurs through time spent together praying and memorizing and studying the Bible.  We can always be learning together, from tackling new skills to trying new recipes to playing new games. 

Finally, my home can be a base of ministry so that others lives may be enriched.  Whether taking meals to someone in need, praying for a missionary or putting together shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child, we can work together as a family to serve.

As I do my duty as a wife and mother, I can thoroughly enjoy my home, seeking daily to follow God's plan and resting in His guidance and blessing.

Let's make our homes all that they can be for Christ!


  1. Nice post! Looks like you have found your words again. ;)

    Have a great week!

  2. Wonderful post :) Those words are flowing again beautifully :)

  3. Jennifer,

    Still pulling them out slowly, one by one - but it worked! ;)

    Hope you have a wonderful week, too!

  4. Aurie,

    Thank you for your kindness, as always! :) I think it came down to making myself sit down and write. That lovely ol' self-discipline thing....

    Hope you have a great week!

  5. So true and profound! How easily we can forget that even with making our house look beautiful, our attitudes need to reflect it or the rest will just be an ugly mess.

  6. Love the happiness and peace suggested in this post. Makes homemaking sound rewarding... and it is. Thanks for the reminder!


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