Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A Birthday Lesson

Several afternoons last week, my two daughters disappeared into the playroom. I was forbidden to enter as they crafted decorations for the dining room in honor of my birthday on Thursday. They were as excited as if it had been their own celebration, with my eight-year-old exclaiming several times, "Mom, this is going to be your best birthday ever!"

That morning, homemade cards and confetti littered the table, along with a scrapbook my ten-year-old created using some of her favorite photos.

The time they took to form plans, the work that went into making each item, and the desire they had to please me was worth far more than any gift they could have purchased.

While I'd heard similar sentiments from my own parents when I was growing up, I often just thought they were being nice. Now I know they spoke the truth.

That's the way things are when our relationships are at their best. A generous act is done with no thought of repayment, only of the other person's enjoyment.

It's true with spouses, with parents, with children - with God.

May the lesson sink deep into my heart. As my children pleased me beyond belief, so may I seek to do those things that please God - not to earn His love, which I already have beyond measure, but to show the depths of my love for Him.


  1. Happy belated birthday! And your daughters did a great job with the scrapbook, and what a wonderful gift it was!

  2. Happy birthday and what a sweet blessing :-)

  3. Happy belated birthday, Tracey!! How precious, and, yes, homemade/heartmade gifts are the very best!!! This is a testament to the living out of Proverbs 31 in your life...what a beautiful display of verse 28!! Thanks for sharing, friend!

  4. Katie,

    Thank you, Katie - for the birthday wishes as well as the kind words!

    I do feel that I fail often in parenting, whether through showing frustration with our children, failing to teach them proper homemaking skills, not spending sufficient time in prayer for them - the list goes on and on. However, I am so thankful that their hearts are tender towards me and I only pray that our relationship will continue to grow in this way in the years to come.

  5. Awwe! That really is true! I tell my boys all the time, the best gift you could give me is a hug. :)

    Happy (belated) Birthday!

  6. That is SO sweet! Your girls are such a blessing! Happy belated birthday!!

  7. Happy Birthday. That is soooo precious! And, as you say, the love they put into it goes beyond anything that could have been bought. Lovely!

  8. So precious! Happy birthday to you!!

  9. Oh, Happy Birthday, Tracey! May the Lord bless you with many precious memories and much joy in this new year of your life!

    And how precious that your girls took time to prepare surprises for you - your post brought tears to my eyes - so sweet! Children are SUCH a delight!

  10. Happy (Belated) Birthday, Tracey! How precious it is to receive such a meaningful gift from your girls. I bet you were over the moon!!!

  11. What wonderful gifts your girls gave you!! I love that they figured out what you would like and then went ahead and made them :)

    Precious memories!

  12. Happy belated birthday! That is so sweet of your girls!



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