Monday, April 11, 2011

Pour It Out

Psalm 142:1-3a, "I cried unto the LORD with my voice; with my voice unto the LORD did I make my supplication. I poured out my complaint before him; I shewed before him my trouble. When my spirit was overwhelmed within me, then thou knewest my path."

How often I want to share my complaints with my husband, my family, or my friends who usually can do nothing to solve my problem. I need, instead, to emulate David and his way of dealing with his difficulties in this Psalm.

What wonderful words David uses as he describes "pouring" out his complaint before the Lord! Doesn't it sometimes feel that we are so full of our grievance that it just spills out of us? He "shews" God his trouble, just as we can describe to Him every detail that is bothering us.

Comfort is found as I am told that God knows my path. I may not understand why I face a certain trial, but God is waiting for me to lay it at His feet and believe that He is aware of exactly what is taking place in my life. Let us take our complaints to God, trusting Him to replace our "overwhelmed" spirit with His peace.

photo courtesy public domain pictures


  1. Beautiful illustration Tracey! I am so encouraged by your words today :)

  2. I really needed to read this tonight - thank you, Tracey. Isn't it amazing how the Bible has verses and passages that are perfect for our every mood and need?!

  3. This was for me this morning!!! Thank you Tracey for this encouragement and conviction today! I'm laying my burdens at His feet....thank you dear, friend.

  4. Aurie and Katie,

    So glad this passage encouraged your heart as it did mine!

    Hope you have a wonderful day!

  5. Clara,

    It is wonderful to see how God, through the Holy Spirit, can use a specific verse to speak directly to our hearts!

    This verse really ministered to me a few weeks ago when I felt I had a huge complaint and needed to share it with someone. While I may not have voiced it in those words, once I came across this Scripture in my daily Bible reading, I knew that my problem was something I needed to take directly to the Lord.

  6. I feel like I could have written this! I'm glad I have a God that I can go to with my problems and who listens to me.

  7. Thank you for sharing this. I need to remember this too. God wants to hear from me, and He should be the one I take it all to. Blessings to you this week!

    Long Wait For Isabella

  8. Encouraging post to read! I've begun to read through the Bible again and I'm looking forward to reading about David again.

  9. Let God help as you walk in His will AND God determines what my needs are - words I have written in my Bible next to Philippians 4:10-20.

    I struggle with seeking the Lord first. My husband usually gets my complaint, and although he is wonderful, I always need more. Then I am reminded that my Father is waiting for me to "pour it out".


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