Friday, April 15, 2011

How Does Your Garden Grow?

It was time.

Last weekend our whole family made a trip to Lowes to buy what we needed to get our garden growing. Now my "garden" consists of large containers on our patio, although my husband plants a couple of tomato plants in the ground.

I've grown basil for several years now.  I'm already looking forward to making Pasta with Chicken and Basil.

Last year I tried a pepper plant and cherry tomatoes, but without much success. Hope, as they say, springs eternal in the human breast, so I'm planting them again this year!

I'm also attempting red onions for the first time.

So that takes care of my April project.  And, should the harvest not be sufficient, there's always the farmers' market - where we got these gorgeous strawberries last weekend!

Here's a hint as to what we did with some of them!

Yes, strawberry shortcake was on the menu!

Are you doing any gardening this year? If you have any tips for container gardening, please share!


  1. now that the snow is finally melted, well most of it, I can wait to start the garden :-)

  2. We are still waiting to plant - and waiting for our farmer's market to open!! Now I am craving fresh strawberry shortcake :)

  3. Farmer's market.....ahhhh, sounds wonderful!
    I'm doing peppers and tomatoes for the first time this year. We don't have the climate to grow them outside, so it'll be under glass for the whole time. No doubt, my blog will have updates, but we'll just have to see how it goes!
    I don't really have many tips - I only began growing veg a couple of years ago, so I feel I'm a real beginner still.... but I *do* absolutely love it.
    That post from last Saturday shows some of the seedlings we have.... as for how they'll all turn out - well, we'll have to sait an see!
    Happy Gardening!

  4. Homeschool on the Croft,

    Can't wait to see how the seedlings grow. That's a really neat "greenhouse!"

  5. Container gardening is so fun! I've started most of mine from seed and intend to plant in-ground. One tip: bone meal (about a spoonful per large container) promotes deep roots and large fruits. I'm experimenting with it this year since my tomatoes didn't root very well last year.

  6. No gardening for us! We have deer and they eat all my flowers, so I can't even imagine the mess I would have if I grew veggies. But I'm hoping for a garden someday.

    Love going to the Farmer's Market, though. South Carolina (my perm home) has great produce!

  7. Good luck with your tomato and pepper plants! Mmm! Strawberry shortcake sounds just delicious.

    Jennifer @

  8. It looks like you will soon have some tasty salad. I grow my plants from seeds, and once we eat them we take out the seeds and plant them again...very frugal!

    Since I am in South Florida I have a year-round garden, but not everything grows well at all times. Right now it is tomato season, and I am sharing cherry tomatoes with all of our neighbors. I am sticking with the cherry tomatoes, because there is less time for the bugs to beat me to them.

    The other night I had a Spring Garden Pizza.

  9. JR Frugal Mom,

    I like the idea of keeping the cycle going by using the seeds - and that pizza looks so tasty!!

  10. We're in the opposite season, but I'm going to plant some bulbs this week, to see if I can grow some jonquils and tulips next spring!

    We do all our gardening in pots - one thing we do is to be sure to put pea straw on top of the dirt - it helps hold the moisture in and acts as a fertiliser too (nitrogen especially).


I look forward to hearing your comments and welcome your questions and suggestions. Thanks for visiting my blog!