Monday, May 9, 2011

Choose the Good

Teaching our children to discern between good and evil is a mission we parents undertake from early childhood onward.  In Isaiah, we find this verse that gives some insight into instructing our children in this vital concept.

Isaiah 7:15 says, "Butter and honey shall he eat, that he may know to refuse the evil, and choose the good."

How do we teach our children to “refuse the evil and choose the good?” Is it by showing them what is wrong and helping them learn to stay away from it? No, quite the contrary. It is by exposing them to all that is right and wholesome so that they will be drawn to those attributes.  Just as with the honey, we want them to develop a taste for the good things, that they might then recognize and reject the bad.

Will there be times when we need to warn our children about the evil that may be inherent in specific situations? Certainly. But the majority of our time should be spent surrounding them with positive experiences that will shape their perception of right and wrong and then instill in them the strength of character to follow that which is good.


  1. Wonderfully wise words - and the verse is perfect! Thank you for the encouragment. Happy Monday!

  2. Well said! Thanks for sharing. :) I hope you have a great week!

    Jennifer @

  3. Hi, Tracey! I just wanted to let you know that you might want to check out my earlier post from this morning (Monday). There may be a little something for you. ;) Please check it out and email me by Wed!

  4. This post reminds me of something I was told once, that people who look for counterfeit money don't study fake money, they study the real thing. As they gain an intimate knowledge of it, they are more able to discern the fake. This illustration was used similarly to the one you just used of honey and butter.

    (Oh, I'm getting hungry now! But when am I not?)

  5. This is so true! My grandfather always said if we play in the mud we'll get dirty... While our children can't be completely shielded from the evil in this world, you are right - the majority of their time should be spent in the good - and this is emhasised again and again in the Bible, too!


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