Tuesday, May 17, 2011

You've Got Mail

There's a certain anticipation that comes with opening a mailbox - not just the kind you click on, but the old fashioned one that perches on a post at the end of your driveaway.  It begins when you're a child, reaching into the box eagerly, pulling the mail out piece by piece to see if anything bears your name.

During our college years, my husband and I were separated during the summer; he was in Georgia, I was in Virginia.  In those days before cell phones and e-mail, we communicated by once-a-week phone calls and more frequent letters.  He was faithful in writing and my heart would race when I saw his familiar scrawl on the envelope.  Opening it up, I'd scan the letter first and then settle in for a second (and sometimes third and fourth) more thorough reading.  Just seeing his handwriting across the pages made him feel nearer.

For ages, people have poured out their feelings for one another on paper.  Next Tuesday, I plan to begin a series of open letters here on Girls to Grow.  While they'll be typed on a computer screen instead of written in ink, I hope to accomplish the same thing.  I'll share my thoughts with people from my past (former teachers), my present (family and friends), and future (son-in-laws to be) and give you a glimpse of what they would find in my letters to them.

And yes, I still have those letters from my husband, packed away with other mementoes from those dating days.  How about you?  Are there letters from someone special that you've saved?


  1. I agree - there is something about handwritten letters. I remember running to the post office when I was younger to see if I had recieved a letter from my pen pal! Even now, getting the mail is one of my favorite things to do!!

    I am also trying to write letters to people instead of calling them, or emailing them.

    Looking forward to your new series!

  2. I have almost every hand-written letter I've ever received!!! TONS from high school!!!

  3. I have kept all the letter's I've received over the years - which is a lot because I come from a family of aunts, uncles and grandparents who wrote letters because they lived in other states of Australia. I also had at least 40 penpals over my growing up years, some of whom I am still in contact with. There is something amazing about receiving a letter from someone your age from an exotic location across the seas!! I would like my children to have penpals, but I don't know where to find penpals for them - they are already eager to start writing letters!!
    I LOVE collecting the mail each day - it is SO exciting (although at this stage it's more scary than anything, with the bills that seem to keep on coming!!!!)! :)

  4. I love handwritten letters. My husband likes to surprise me with them, even when he's at home. They are such a treasure!

    Old fashioned mail (can you believe it's old fashioned???) is a lost art! How I wish my mailbox were full of handwritten notes!

    My daughter is also discovering the love of mail. When we visit fun places I buy a handful of postcards and let her dictate what she wants to share about her day. She adds her own "art", then we address and stamp it, and walk it out to the mailbox. It's so exciting for her, and for me!

  5. When we were going through my granny's house after her death (in the 80's) I was lucky enough find a stack of handwritten (most in pencil) love letters between her and my maternal grandfather (who died when my mom was 13 yrs old). I would like to find a way to preserve them for future generations. Any ideas or suggestions?

  6. Beth,

    What a neat find! I don't what would be the best way to preserve them, but it would be a wonderful keepsake if you could find out how to do it.

  7. I have all the letters that my husband and I wrote as well...they are a treasure. I love the idea of your open-letter-writing.
    Just a fun thought...we bought a used block of mailboxes and installed them at our house, along one wall in the kitchen. We use them to write letters to each other...kids to us...kids to each other...us to kids etc. It has been really fun. Sounds like something you might enjoy.
    Visiting from Aurie's :) Nice to meet you!

  8. Kara,

    Thanks so much for stopping by! I like your idea of using mailboxes to send letters to other family members. One of my daughters has a small metal mailbox that we often put out around Valentine's Day and use for passing notes back and forth, but I'm sure it would be fun to do that year round.


I look forward to hearing your comments and welcome your questions and suggestions. Thanks for visiting my blog!