Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Cinderella, Dresssed in Yellow

The sound of a jump rope slapping the sidewalk brings back happy memories.

In a family of siblings who were athletically gifted, I was the exception.  But during my 5th and 6th grade years, when school recess was spent on a blacktop surface and jump roping was all the rage, I found my niche. 

Classmates took turns twirling the ropes as we created all types of games and challenges, along with jumping through the unforgettable "Cinderella Dressed in Yellow" and "Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, Turn Around."

Now it's my ten-year-old's turn.  She calls me outside to help her sister turn the rope while she counts "how many doctors did it take."  And I'm reminiscing about the old days - and wondering if my girls could get the rope over my head so I can show them how it's done.

On second thought, it may be safer to leave those particular memories in the past.

Did you ever play jump rope games when you were growing up?


  1. LOL!! I was jump roping this weekend :) Sophie saw one at a friend's house and wanted to know what it was.

    Yes - I loved jumping rope, although double dutch was beyond me!

  2. I was never very good at jumping rope. Like you, I was kind of a misfit in my family since my brothers and sister were all athletic, and I wasn't...that is, until I started riding horses. Then I found my niche.

  3. Aurie,

    See, I could actually handle double dutch - although I don't think I could convince my husband and children of that today! ;) At least I was never a cheerleader, so I'm not tempted to still try cartwheels or somersaults.

  4. Loved jump rope but like anything else athletic, I wasn't very good at it. I'm just not that coordinated. Love the songs, though. Glad to hear another generation is enjoying them!

  5. I loved jump rope when I was a child. After having delivered children, however, I tried jump rope and the results and the discomfort was anything BUT comfortable so it's not really something I do very often. I'm trying to convince my husband to take it up though - he's trying to lose weight and I know for a fact that jump rope is an EXCELLENT way to get fit in a hurry... He doesn't believe me when I say men jump rope for fitness........ hmmm.

  6. I loved jump roping when I was a kid... and it's still great exercise. ;) My oldest daughter is 6 yrs old and beginning to learn and it definitely takes me back, especially sharing the 'games & songs' that go along with it. :)


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