Tuesday, July 19, 2011

She Puts Me to Shame

Have the actions of one of your children ever put you to shame?

One day last week we were leaving the house to take a meal to a friend who'd recently had surgery.  We were planning to stop at the grocery store on the way, and my eight-year-old asked  if she could bring some money with her.  Wondering what candy or other treat she was planning on purchasing, I asked why.  Her response?  She wanted to buy flowers for the lady. 

I must admit that the first words that came to mind were, "Is that really how you want to spend your money?"  Thankfully, I paused long enough to instead ask calmly, "Are you sure that's what you want to do?"

When she responded positively, I told her to bring her money along.

She chose a bouquet of red roses (making good use of her money by choosing ones that were were on sale) and delivered them herself along with a handmade card. 

I hope that her thoughtful and generous nature reminds me to think less of myself and more of others.  While meeting a person's needs by supplying necessities, may I also take the time to think of the little "extras" that might brighten some one's day.


  1. Tracey - this is so sweet! What a wonderful example you have been to your girls!!

  2. Aurie,

    Thank you for the kind words - but I only wish I was as thoughtful as my younger daughter often is! She is very social and enjoys meeting and talking to people. I trust that the Lord will use her personality for His purposes as she grows older.

  3. PRAISE! YOU have raised them with the heart of God! They are already using their spiritual gifts - beautiful!!!

  4. That is so sweet, and reflects her heart... Having such a generous and giving heart is a true treasure! What a blessing, and what a testimony to the way you have raised your girls!

  5. My children haven't shamed me (like this!) yet, but I'm sure they will. My son has such a caring, sensitive spirit that it will probably be him.


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