Saturday, July 16, 2011

Saturday Salutes

I Look Like A Mom from Raising Arrows is a must-read post.  The sentence I wish I'd written - "We spend our growing up years longing for babies and our growing old years trying to look like we never had any."

You've heard me lament my lack of home decor ability, so this post on Home Decor Basics to Look for at Goodwill from Pennies and Blessings was right up my alley.

My quote for the day comes from Erma Bombeck and regards the importance of seizing the moment.  "I got to thinking one day about all those women on the Titanic who passed up dessert at dinner that fateful night in an effort to cut back."

The winner of the book Money Secrets of the Amish, as selected by, was commenter number four, Krista.  Congratulations!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Linked to Saturday Stumbles hosted by Simply Staci.


  1. I love those decorating hints from Goodwill. That's a great Erma Bombeck quote, too!

  2. Thanks Tracey! I received the book in the mail a couple days ago. I look forward reading it!


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